Facing the Ugly Numbers

By Brenda Walker


Let us thank Sen. Jeff Sessions for a clear statement of the population increase built in to the Senate legislation [McCain/Kennedy leads to 30 million new illegal immigrants, Townhall, March 29]:

"This bill would add 30 million people to our nation in the next ten years. We ought to be spending some time talking about that. It’s a big, big deal."

Sessions pointed out that this bill is also in opposition to what the President has said he wanted: a bill that did not put illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship. "This bill puts the people who came here illegally on an automatic path to citizenship," said Sessions. "If that is not amnesty I don’t know what is!"

Sessions pleaded with his colleagues to consider only a border enforcement approach at this time. Sessions thinks the enormous question of what to do about the 12 million illegal immigrants who are already here is too big to handle quickly.

This year, the national population odometer will click over to 300 million residents. From the viewpoint of environmental sustainability, that’s too many. The natural systems which replenish water, forests and soils cannot function properly with the pressure of so many people using up those resources.

Yet the Senate is now considering an egregiously irresponsible bill from a conservationist viewpoint. At a time when the national dialogue should be about slowing population growth for the good of both humans and our physical surroundings, Washington is headed in the opposite direction.

Even if you don’t care about protecting wildlife and preserving old-growth forests, you probably don’t want recycled toilet water coming out of your tap, a likely future symptom in many areas due to immigration-fueled overpopulation.

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