Facts Undermine Media’s DACA Sob Story of Suffering Children
While the worthless liberal press falsely portrays DACA recipients as being innocent children, nearly all of them are young adults. Some DACAs are parents themselves, a situation that the San Francisco Chronicle ran as a front page story on Sunday, though without a tear-jerk photo.
As sob stories go, this one endangers the major premise — that of the “cruel” Trump threatening to deport little kiddies to homelands they never knew.
Strangely enough, the media never mention that their beloved President Obama created the temporary amnesty program (“Deferred” Action on Childhood Arrivals) that now has so many on the left shrieking up a storm. Obama probably figured a future president would be forced into engineering a big amnesty by the demanding Dreamers unwilling to forego the American goodies. The situation may indeed work out that way, judging from Trump’s weakness on the issue.
Up to a quarter of DACAs are parents themselves (!) according to the following news article. Wait — a sizeable number of Dreamers are dads and moms rather than little tykes? So confusing for the accepted liberal narrative.
Thousands of ‘Dreamers’ face agonizing choices about their children, San Francisco Chronicle, September 9, 2017Erika Almanza picked up her 11-year-old son from school in San Jose one afternoon shortly after President Trump was elected and began to ask him about his day, but first the boy needed his own questions answered.
“Mommy, are you illegal?” he said. “Are you going to get deported?”
She assured him she would not, because she is a “Dreamer” — one of the more than 200,000 people in California protected from deportation by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.
Now Almanza doesn’t know what to tell her son and his 7-year-old sister after the Trump administration announced Tuesday it is phasing out DACA. She is facing not only the prospect of being deported to Mexico in a couple of years, but the realization that she would probably choose to leave behind her children, who are U.S. citizens by birth.
“Their life is here. They only know here. The same way my life is here,” said Almanza, a 27-year-old small-business owner, who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico at age 4. Her partner, the children’s father, is undocumented.
While attention on the DACA program has long focused on college students, surveys suggest that up to a quarter of the nearly 700,000 recipients are believed to be parents of citizens. These relationships add a powerful dimension to the debate as Trump, who professed “love” for “Dreamers” even as he rescinded DACA, asks Congress to come up with a solution.