Farewell to George Putnam, the Dean of Talk Radio

By Allan Wall


I first learned that George Putnam had passed away from Joe Guzzardi’s blog entry R.I.P. George Putnam, (1914-2008) R.I.P. and I too wish to bid George farewell.

Known as the Dean of Talk Radio, George Putnam was a Midwesterner who moved to California, a World War II veteran, news anchorman and long-time talk radio host. George appeared in the movies from time to time and had his own star in Hollywood. On his ranch, he raised racehorses and rode in the Rose Bowl parade for many years. Click here for a retrospective video on Putnam’s career, including a cameo appearance by Ronald Reagan, another Midwesterner who made the big time in California.

Besides all his other accomplishments, George Putnam was out in front on the issue of illegal immigration, speaking out on the issue years before many of us even had a clue.

I had the privilege of appearing a number of times on George’s "Talk Back" show. The last time I was on his show was on March 31st.

When I was a guest on "Talk Back", we would usually discuss one of my recent VDARE.com articles. I always had to be ready, though, because the conversation could go anywhere.

It was always great to be on the show with George, whose inquisitiveness and sense of humor made it a real lark. It always seemed to go so quickly. Time flies, as they say, when you're having fun, and it was fun being on the show.

In our "Talk Back" interviews, George would always ask about my family, referring to my wife and children (David and Raphael) by name, and would ask how they were doing. One time he even had my son David say a few words on the air. And, after hearing our dog barking from the patio, George would ask about her also.

After I had to leave home for my Iraq deployment, George actually called my home to speak with my wife Lilia, to ask her how she and the boys were doing. It was a tough time for our family, so I really appreciate George’s concern.

It’s tough to say farewell to George Putnam. I think the best way to honor him is emulate his love of country and his courage in speaking out against its ongoing invasion. That’s what George did so well for years.

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