
Fauci Trying To Sell Vaccine To Blacks By Giving ALL The Credit To Kizzmekia Corbett

By James Fulford


Earlier: Shouldn’t They Just Make the Movie About How Kizzmekia Corbett Will Invent the Vaccine Right Now?

The apparently successful development of the vaccine is a massive American project like the Panama Canal, the atomic bomb, and the moon landing. All projects that involve people in the tens and hundreds of thousands, and you can’t really give any one man the credit.

However, traditionaly Theodore Roosevelt is considered the man behind the Panama Canal, FDR is the man who assigned the Manhattan Project, and John F. Kennedy is the man who sent America to the moon.

And of course, Operation Warp Speed is the responsibility of President Donald Trump … who won’t get credit.

However, Anthony Fauci, aware that blacks aren’t very responsive to public health and vaccination campaigns, because of years of anti-white hate propaganda, is trying to give a lot of the credit to Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett:

Dr. Anthony Fauci Appeals to Black Community: ‘The Vaccine That You’re Going to Be Taking Was Developed by an African American Woman’ https://t.co/98gxR03LW3 pic.twitter.com/QPt51ekzCc

— The Root (@TheRoot) December 11, 2020

Fauci, speaking at a National Urban League event on Tuesday, acknowledged the history behind African American distrust of medical research and the American health care system, reports CNN. But the epidemiologist also emphasized that the two forthcoming coronavirus vaccines are both safe and effective, drawing attention to Dr. Corbett’s involvement in the process.

“The very vaccine that’s one of the two that has absolutely exquisite levels — 94 to 95 percent efficacy against clinical disease and almost 100 percent efficacy against serious disease that are shown to be clearly safe — that vaccine was actually developed in my institute’s vaccine research center by a team of scientists led by Dr. Barney Graham and his close colleague, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, or Kizzy Corbett,” Fauci said.

“So, the first thing you might want to say to my African American brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you’re going to be taking was developed by an African American woman,” he continued. “And that is just a fact.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci Appeals to Black Community: ‘The Vaccine That You’re Going to Be Taking Was Developed by an African American Woman', by Anne Branigin, The Root, December 10, 2020

Fauci is seriously pandering here, with his "history behind African American distrust" and pandering again with his "close colleague".

Dr. Barney Graham, a white guy, is head of a group of which Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett (a Ph.D, but a real doctor) is one unit. She is a lead coronavirus researcher--she’s also a major anti-white racist. See Lead NIH coronavirus researcher suggested pandemic could be 'genocide', said doctors would let blacks die, By Gregg Re, Alex Pfeiffer, Fox News, Apr 17, 2020, which is a Tucker Carlson episode of about some of her bizarre Tweets.

When Trump held a meeting with his coronavirus task force in January, CNN, looking at the photo of the people at the meeting wrote Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration’s lack of diversity, CNN.com, January 30, 2020.

We responded with CNN: Fewer White Faces Is More Important Than Stopping a Global Pandemic:


The Washington Post discussed her Tweeting in a largely laudatory article that said:

On Feb. 27, Corbett posted a tweet that lamented the lack of diversity on President Trump’s coronavirus task force: “The task force is largely people (white men) he appointed to their positions as director of blah blah institute. They are indebted to serve him NOT the people.”

And, as public health officials were reporting startling data that showed that the virus was disproportionately killing African Americans, Corbett vented on Twitter. “I tweet for the people who will die when doctors has to choose who gets the last ventilator and ultimately … who lives,” she wrote March 29. When someone responded that the virus “is a way to get rid of us,” Corbett replied: “Some have gone as far to call it genocide. I plead the fifth.”

Kizzmekia Corbett spent her life preparing for this moment. Can she create the vaccine to end a pandemic?
This 34-year-old African American woman scientist is a rarity. But with increased visibility comes increased scrutiny.

by Darryl Fears, May 6, 2020

That came with a statement from an academic who said that “I don’t think there’s anything she said that’s outlandish that goes against any type of code or standard” which of course is only because she’s black and attacking whites as potential genociders.

That inspired Steve Sailer to write Shouldn’t They Just Make the Movie About How Kizzmekia Corbett Will Invent the Vaccine Right Now?

Well, the vaccine has been invented — by her, and of course many others as well.

John Derbyshire wrote in April in response to Tucker Carlson’s Fox News segment that:

Dr. Corbett, a black lady, is (a) a key researcher in the NIH effort to find a coronavirus vaccine, and also (b) crazy-level woke, with a long Twitter trail hate-hate-hating on white men and alleging a conspiracy by us to commit genocide against blacks.

That puts us up against the interesting question: Is it possible to do high-quality work in hard science while holding nutty beliefs about social and political issues? Probably it is: Several first-rank mathematicians have been borderline crazy in that way.

It is none the less the case that any white person holding such extreme opinions about other races would be unemployable in today’s USA, whatever his scientific talents. In a fair society — one that did not privilege any one race over any other — either he would not be unemployable, or Dr. Corbett would be.

If her contribution was vital, it would have been lost if she'd been fired for hate speech — something that rarely happens to black females. That vaccine may wind up saving my life, although I know that’s not her priority, so it would be a shame to lose it.

How much have we lost from all the white, male, scientists who've been fired for wrongthink? It must be a lot.

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