
FBI Screening for Syrian Refugees Is Proposed

By Brenda Walker


The SAFE Act will be voted in the Senate this week (if it survives a Harry Reid blocking cloture) and the bill would require the FBI to screen refugees from Syria and approve them as being non-jihad. Members of Congress who have noticed the mess in Europe caused by barbarian Islamic refugees want to prevent similar violence here.

Senator Sessions held a hearing in October about screening refugees and he determined “We do not have access to any Syrian government database to learn the backgrounds of these refugee applicants.”

The best thing would be for Washington to end the refugee scam in this country altogether. The program is a total negative for Americans, all cost (including crimes like mass murder) and no benefit. If government must engage in do-gooder behavior, then additional support for refugee camps in the Middle East is a far more effective way to spend limited funds.

But without an attack of sanity in Washington, a slow-down strategy may be the best we can do for now.

On Monday, Congressman Richard Hudson, the author of the SAFE Bill, appeared on Fox to explain the legislation:

GRETCHEN CARLSON: Let’s turn to take on the SAFE Act now. That is the bill that would temporarily halt accepting refugees from Iraq and Syria until federal agencies can truly verify that there are no possible terrorists among them. The House passed it in November overwhelmingly, just two days after it was introduced. North Carolina Congressman Richard Hudson was there and he’s here today. In fact, he wrote the SAFE Act and he joins me for the real story on that. So in the House, back before the end of the year, it was a bipartisan vote 287 to 137. You got 47 Democrats to vote for it. Will that happen in the Senate?

CONGRESSMAN HUDSON: Well I’m not sure we’ll get a two-thirds vote, but my hope is we’ll at least get through the cloture vote Wednesday, bring the bill to the Senate floor. If we can get six Democrats to vote with Republicans that we can have this very common sense measure that the American people want to see.

CARLSON: It’s been interesting because as we’ve been talking about this and debating it, it’s kind of hard to try and figure out why somebody might be against this. Why are they?

HUDSON: Well, there’s been a lot of heated rhetoric on both sides. You see some from Republican presidential candidates, you’ve seen the White House playing the strawman role but what the House of Representatives passed, and what we’re hoping the Senate will take up this week, is a very common-sense measure that simply says stop the flow of refugees unless and until we can put a process in place to vet these these folks. There’s a couple of facts that are important to understand: one is this is the FBI Director under President Obama who said we can’t do a proper background check on most Syrians; second fact is the Director of National Intelligence said we know of numerous affiliates of ISIS have already tried to come through the refugee process; and the number three is we arrested the two folks in Sacramento and Houston just a couple weeks ago who were Iraqi refugees who came through the vetting process. The vetting process is not perfect, particularly when you talk about Syria.

CARLSON: Is this bill designed to just temporarily put a stop to the refugees or is there also rules and regulations within that bill as to how to certify whether they’re actually safe to come here?

HUDSON: Gretchen, when I wrote the bill I was very careful not to tell the FBI how to do their job and so what we’ve said is we want the FBI Director to sign off that a proper background has been done on each individual and so the FBI can determine what criteria that ought to be.

CARLSON: They have already gone on record as saying they currently can’t do that for those coming from Syria.

HUDSON: That’s true and and so what I hope they can do is put a process in place … for a lot of military age males that we can’t put backgrounds together, they may not ever be able to come in.

CARLSON: Okay, and your main goal is that because this cloture vote is coming up on Wednesday, and today’s technically a holiday, you’re trying to get the word out to people to call their Senators so that they are aware that this vote is coming.

HUDSON: Absolutely … If you’re sitting home and you agree with me call your Senators and ask them to vote to bring this to the floor.

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