Federale catches return of "Catch and Release"

By Patrick Cleburne


On Friday The Washington Post ran Agency Plans to Improve Oversight of Immigrant Detention By Spencer S. Hsu Friday, August 7, 2009

Essentially this says that the Administration intends to make detention arrangements for illegal immigrants much nicer and more pleasant:

John Morton, director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said his goal within three to five years is to hold noncriminal immigrants in a smaller number of less prison-like settings…

Morton said. "With these reforms, ICE will move away from our present decentralized jail approach to a system that is wholly designed for and based on civil detention needs and the needs of the people we detain."

With the increased numbers of detentions since the GWB administration reversed policy and started pretending to be serious about enforcement, Treason Lobby operatives have been trying to gain traction with sob stories about detention conditions, with some success.

While perhaps wondering why this is a priority right now, most Patriots probably did not see much significance in the story.

However, it did not get past the Lynx-eyed Federale Blog, equipped at it is with great skill in interpreting Government weaseling. In The Return Of Catch-And-Release Federale cuts through to the key statement:

…the story goes on to say this:

"ICE will stop sending families to the T. Don Hutto Residential Center near Austin, a 512-bed former state prison. The Bush administration highlighted the family detention facility as a symbol of its immigration crackdown efforts, but it became a lightning rod for litigation over the government’s treatment of children.

ICE will instead begin relocating the 127 remaining detainees at Hutto, Morton said. Some will be transferred to an 84-bed former nursing home in Pennsylvania, the Berks Family Shelter Care facility, while others will be considered for programs that do not require detention, such as home monitoring, he said.

Federale draws what is clearly the correct conclusion:

So, the real plan is to release as many illegal aliens as possible. The return to catch-and-release. Just part of the Obama plan to increase the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. for the upcoming amnesty.

Part of the reason Federale is clearly right is cost. The Post reports:

Morton provided no cost estimate for the changes but said the agency intends to pay for them with existing resources.

Federale comments

No plan to centralize the holding of illegal aliens from the current decentralized system that uses empty beds in state and local prisons and jails can save money either. To build and staff a series of new large custody facilities near large cities such as New York, San Francisco, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. will cost billions. Obviously the government cannot afford that right now and it certainly cannot be built in 3-5 years. So the solution will inevitably be to release the aliens. The majority of whom will become fugitives as over 90% of aliens released before their hearing never show and 99% become fugitives after being ordered deported.
(VDARE.com emphasis)

"Catch and Release" was a great scandal in the early GWB years. As noted before, the Obama Administration is quietly abandoning enforcement.

Nice "catch", Federale.

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