I love writing about the War Against/ On Christmas, for reasons I outlined last year. The whole thing has been a lot of fun — but, as I also noted last year, the unfortunate fact is that the Happy Holiday Hordes remain in possession of the field. It’s still the default mode greeting for most commercial catalogs, MSM magazines etc.
My own playful suggestion: use the blizzard of prepaid postcards from commercial operations at this time of year to protest their refusal to mention the reason for the season: it’s Christmas!
The New York Review Of Books [Email: Subscriptions / Editorial] is sending out a "holiday" promotion during the Christmas season, when most magazine subscriptions are sold.
Prepaid cards are a charge only if they are actually mailed. Profit margins on direct mail campaigns are very thin. So even a small number of protests like this would do a lot of damage.
Yes, of course, I’m the Christmas Crank. But cranks rule the world. Forty years ago, it was unthinkable that the word “Christmas” would be driven from the public square. Yet cranks did it.
I recently had the great pleasure of depositing a score or so of these prepaid protests in our village post office’s mail box. I don’t leave them in our own mail box because, although the War On Christmas is all too obviously driven by Jewish and homosexual Christophobia, it has by now also become a litmus test for much of the lumpen Left, and I’ve had the experience of a (unionized?) mailman ostentatatiously (and no doubt illegally) refusing to pick the postcards up.
But I doubt that they have time to do this in the sorting room. Of course, the prepaid envelopes always go through.
Note, also, that the address in the above example is redacted. This is not, goodness knows, because I think I can remain anonymous, but because I’ve also had the experience of starting to get an additional, unwanted subscription to the magazine that I was protesting, and a wave of bills — whether out of spite or stupidity.
Anyway, I recommend this festive fun. It’s good for the blood pressure.