Fewer Jobs; More Immigrants; Progress by Pesach: Enjoy
It is bad out there. As Ed Rubenstein just reported, the worst payroll slump in 34 years is even precipitating an substantial Hispanic exodus. Even worse, from the point of view intellectual vitality and dynamism (as all VDARE.com readers will agree) the Israelis are leaving:
Exodus to Israel Israelis Flood Back to Homeland Amid U.S. Economic Crisis By Dikla Kadosh The Jewish Journal February 12 2009
…the Israeli community is among those particularly affected by the economic crisis. A significant number are self-employed…many work in construction, home improvement, electricity, air conditioning real estate — fields which have been hardest hit.
All these jobs Americans won’t do…
But never fear! The organized Jewish Community is coming to the rescue!
Jews stepping up efforts on immigration issue by Eric Fingerhut JTA.org February 13 2009
Many major Jewish groups have signed on to two new initiatives in the past two weeks: a Jewish campaign aiming for “Progress by Pesach” on the immigration issue and the larger Interfaith Immigration Coalition working for the enactment of “humane and equitable” reform by the end of this year.Melanie Nezer, senior director for U.S. programs and advocacy at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, said the key to success in immigration reform is for local activists to let local representatives know how important it is
Among their goals is to get Obama to issue an executive order or other directive to Immigration and Customs Enforcement curtailing the use of raids as a primary tool of immigration enforcement.Visitors to the group’s Web site also can send a letter to the president and members of Congress
In essence, this crew demands a return to early GW laxity:
Jane Ramsey, executive director of the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs in Chicago, says members of the coalition will be encouraged to publicize the online petition and letters at their activities and other Jewish community events.
The endlessly noisy Rabbi David Saperstein of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism was of course involved:
Having struggled to adjust to societies that did not welcome our arrival, we understand many of the challenges faced by today’s immigrants.
As was Rabbi Steve Gutow, executive director of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, (How many of these tax-exempt Jewish advocacy groups are there? All this and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs too?)
"we must love the stranger because we were once strangers in the land of Egypt.”
This appears to be the Observant Jewish equivalent of the secular Jewish thing about the Statue of Liberty. These people want Amnesty and Open Borders and they do not care about the consequences to ordinary working Americans.
My poor friend The Kvetcher (Who do these Jews think they are) was virtually speechless this evening but Jenny, his wonderful correspondent, stepped into the breach:
They had Rep. Luis Gutierrez speaking at one of their press conferences apparently. Guitierrez’s file on opensecrets.org reveals that he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions, a large portion of which came from the financial/banking industry, immigration and corporate law firms, agribusinesses, and other interests that support open borders and oppose any effort to enforce our immigration law. Gutierrez is traveling around the country to speak out against E-Verify, the man hates American citizens and demands that our civil and human rights considerations be ignored.
VDARE.com readers will remember Luis Gutierrez.
All in all, as I said earlier, looks like more business for Kevin MacDonald.
E Mail
Melanie Nezer,
Rabbi David Saperstein
and Rabbi Steve Gutow.
Ask them, if they do not care about their fellow Americans, do they not at least care about the suffering Israeli immigrants?