Fighting Back Works — Latest Asian Gunman Disarmed By Students

By James Fulford


This comes under the heading of "I told you so" and it’s very rude to say "I told you so," but since I’m saying it to John Podhoretz among others, I'll make an exception. Here’s the story, material in square brackets is what the press and the Asian American Journalists Association don’t feel like telling you.

[Asian]USC student charged with assault in handgun case

police say Zao Xing Yang, 19, threatened a woman at a party early Sunday. By Richard Winton, Los Angeles Times April 25, 2007

A 19-year-old [Asian] USC student was charged Tuesday with making criminal threats and committing an assault with a handgun at a weekend party near campus. zhaoyang.jpg Zao Xing Yang, an undergraduate, was arrested early Sunday morning after fellow students wrestled him to the ground when they saw him holding a .25-caliber handgun.

Police later searched Yang’s apartment and discovered packages of methamphetamine, a .44-caliber revolver, several hundred dollars in cash and "threatening materials," police said.

Yang, who is being held without bail at Twin Towers jail in downtown Los Angeles, was charged with two counts of making criminal threats and two counts of assault with a firearm. [He may be here on a student visa, which makes him deportable. Inquiring minds want to know. But not at the LA Times]

His arraignment was postponed until May 3.

His arrest comes a week after a [Korean] Virginia Tech student fatally shot 32 people at the school, raising concerns about security on college campuses across the country.

"USC school police responded quickly, as did the Los Angeles Police Department," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said at a news conference Tuesday.

And if the students hadn’t fought back themselves, the police might have been investigating a murder, or two murders. So congratulations to the students for fighting back. Below, the mentions another threat, not by an Asian, but if the writer of the story, Richard Winton, [Send him mail] couldn’t figure out that a guy named Zao Yang was an Asian, what are the chance that he could figure out who an unnamed student at Bishop Mora Salesian High School is?

Meanwhile, Los Angeles police said Tuesday that a 17-year-old student at Bishop Mora Salesian High School in Los Angeles was arrested for allegedly making criminal threats.

The arrest came after a student at the Catholic school found a letter Thursday threatening "violent acts against students and teachers," authorities said.

However, thanks to the Internet, I can say with some confidence that the student at Bishop Mora who was threatening violence was not Asian. Not likely to be Irish or Italian, either, which is what someone of my generation thinks of when we hear "Catholic School." Here’s a report from an private school website.

Bishop Mora Salesian High School Students by Race
Number of Students Percentage
American Indiana/Alaskan 0 0%
Asian/Pacific Islander 0 0%
Hispanic 375 97.65%
Black (Non-Hispanic) 7 1.82%
White (Non-Hispanic) 2 0.52%

You do the math.

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