Fighting Whitey at the Campus Progress Conference

By James Fulford


A reader writes

Youth for Western Civilization, a student group affiliated with former Congressman Tom Tancredo, has an article up about the recent conference hosted by Campus Progress. [The True Face of Campus Progress | A Report from the Conference , By John Anderson, July 14, 2010 ]Campus Progress is a left wing student group that President Obama has spoken to in the past. It is a revealing look at the issues that Left truly finds important. I work at a libertarian organization in Washington, and unfortunately, I don’t think we are doing anything that can effectively confront this kind of rhetoric.

Every issue was seemingly interpreted through the prism of race. David Cho, one of the featured speakers, bragged that he was an illegal alien and that : “I ultimately want to become a U.S. Senator, because I want to make changes in this country … let us rededicate ourselves to the commitment and the involvement in the common effort to create a new society, and a new nation.” A new nation?

Obama’s stimulus program was criticized because some of the money went to whites. This was interpreted as "stealing the money from people of color." More government programs are needed because "as a country of color, we need more programs to elevate the rainbow coalition." Even the panel on organic food had as its focus the need to get more minorities involved, instead of, say, organic food. By YWC’s account, most of the speakers were various minorities, homosexuals, or some combination thereof, with little or no rhetoric on helping working class Americans. Fighting "white privilege" has become not just a standard part of the Left, but its defining aspect.

Interestingly, from pictures I've seen and reports from acquaintances who attended, the Campus Progress conference had a huge number of non-white attendees. Years ago, I attended the much more radical National Conference on Organized Resistance. The crowd there was at least 99% white, much to the dismay of all the attendees.

I think this is because Campus Progress is basically the Establishment Left. Flush with George Soros cash and well connected to the Obama White House, it attracts lots of Professional Minorities who can join the managerial elite as a career. Meanwhile, the idealistic radical guys that really want to destroy capitalism and smash the system (as opposed to own it) tend to be white.

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