File This One Under "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?"

By James Fulford


Via American Renaissance

Nearly 700 Haitian Convicts Released During Moratorium on Deportations

February 20th

David Ovalle, Miami Herald, February 18, 2012

Kesler Dufrene, who last year slaughtered three people in North Miami after being let out of immigration custody, wasn’t the only convict released to the streets because of a moratorium on deportations to Haiti.

According to newly released federal statistics, 687 Haitians slated for deportation were released to the streets in 2010 because of the year-long moratorium on deportations to the earthquake-ravaged island.


The moratorium they're talking about is not the Obama Administrative Amnesty, it’s a separate humanitarian measure called Temporary Protected Status, designed for countries that are having hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes.

I’m not sure whether the intention is to be nice to the potential deportees, or to avoid burdening the receiving country, but either way, it’s not intended to benefit the United States.

This particular amnesty was put on by the Obama Administration — see Obama’s Haitian Amnesty Kills. Remember Willie Horton? by Patrick Cleburne. Bush, or anyhow Michael Chertoff, had refused to do so.

But yes, freeing 700 deportable Haitians who were in the immigration lockup? The Dufrene case is the only death — sorry, the only three deaths — resulting from that that I know of, but there may be more.[Immigration authorities released man who went on to kill 3 in North Miami | In a year-old mystery, a felon freed after he could not be returned to Haiti killed three people. Was it random, or was he working with someone?, By David Ovalle, January 22, 2012]

It’s not just a matter of freeing 700 illegal Haitians, it’s 700 deportable Haitian convicts.

Definitely one for the "What could possibly go wrong?" file.

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