First Lady Can’t Stop Talking About Her (Low)Test Scores
By Steve Sailer
Continuing a pattern that’s at least a half-dozen years old, from today’s Washington Post:
Michelle Obama’s extended interview with rapper Bow Wow and singer Keshia Chante, which aired Tuesday night on Black Entertainment Television, yielded a few new details about the first lady’s teenage years. …3. Obama wanted to be a pediatrician, but she wasn’t that great at math and science. “So I switched to law, because my mother told me I like to argue a lot.” …
5. Asked to look at old photos and reflect on what she would say to her younger self, she replied: “I was thinking maybe I’m not smart enough. Maybe I’m not bright enough. Maybe there are kids that are working harder than me. I was always worrying about disappointing someone or failing. And the thing that I would tell that girl is don’t worry about failure, because failure is the key to success. And you are smart enough to sit at any table and compete and to have your voice heard.”
There is a lot of conspiracy theorizing about why the President has never "released" his test scores, although I’m not aware than anybody has ever directly asked him what he scored. (When he was finally asked about his college GPA in 2011, he answered immediately.) One possible explanation for Mr. Obama’s reticence about his LSAT score is that if he mentioned it, Mrs. Obama would never forgive him.