Five "Leaded Law" Mass Shootings This Weekend, None Of Them By "Republican Voters" I.E. Whites
Earlier: The “Leaded Law” And Mass Shootings — Poor Black Marksmanship Is Saving Lives
The Other McCain notes Five Mass Shootings This Weekend, May 24, 2021:
Quote from The Other McCain:
A quick tally of the butcher’s bill: Nine dead, 44 wounded.
Don’t expect to see this on CNN. None of these shootings were perpetrated by Republican voters upset about the election results.
I'll just give one example of what The Other McCain means by not perpetrated by Republican voters, from Fairfield Township, NJ:
Aside from the various pictures and clues, the general rule, according to the Ben Kurtz blog, is that
If the shooters exhibit bad aim (substantially worse than 1 killed for every 3 wounded) then they are Black gangsters settling a score
Marksmanship is Nothing More Than White Privilege, by Ben Kurtz, July 28, 2016.