Flyer To Print Out For CPAC — Warned You!
Neil Munro in the Daily Caller had a story yesterday headed "Obama: Immigration Will Reshape America’s Politics". Really? Who knew? Well, in fact, we knew.
Specifically, Peter Brimelow knew, when he wrote Alien Nation in 1995 (Chapter 10: Immigration Has Consequences — Political Power) and also when he wrote Electing a New People as a National Review cover story. [June 16, 1997]
But there are many people who don’t know, and a lot of them are at CPAC. They need to know. At this point, if you are a Republican operative, immigration is endangering your job.
A flyer saying all this, suitable for printing and handing out to the throngs at CPAC can be downloaded here. (6.2 MB PDF, 1 printable page.)
Time for some grassroots activism!