
Football Players Behaving Badly — Who Are They?

By James Fulford


Via the New English Review’s blog, I see a story about three Palestinians being allegedly beaten up by football players at Guilford College, a Quaker foundation.

The races of the football players is unmentioned by the Associated Press, but their names are given, so I can tell you that it was two white players and one black football player who were charged, in case you were wondering. In case you thought the race of the attackers, usually unmentionable, might possibly be relevant in when they're accused of a hate crime. In case you wished that the Associated Press would do its damn job.

RALEIGH, North Carolina — Three football players at Guilford College, a school with a Quaker background, face assault and ethnic intimidation charges after an attack on three Palestinian students, authorities said.

The victims were beaten with fists, feet and brass knuckles early Saturday by attackers who called them "terrorists" and used racial slurs, the News & Record of Greensboro reported Tuesday. … .

Authorities charged Michael Bates, 19, of Reidsville, North Carolina; Michael Robert Six, 20, of Greensboro, North Carolina; and Christopher Barnette, 21, of Semora, North Carolina, with ethnic intimidation and assault and battery, according to court documents. They were released Monday on $2,000 (euro1,500) bail.[Three College Football Players Face Assault Charges for Alleged Attack on Palestinian Students, January 24, 2007 ]

The university has issued a statement that avoids pre-emptively declaring anyone guilty, which shows that they've heard about the Duke Case.

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