
Foreign Meddling in America — From Mexico

By Steve Sailer


From Bloomberg:

Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico’s Efforts in U.S.

By Eric Martin and Nacha Cattan

March 20, 2016, 2:10 PM PDT Updated on March 21, 2016, 2:02 PM PDT

Consulates in U.S. promote citizenship for immigrants

Charm offensive seeks to bolster image of Mexico in U.S.

Mexico is mounting an unprecedented effort to turn its permanent residents in the U.S. into citizens, a status that would enable them to vote — presumably against Donald Trump.

Officially, Mexico says it respects U.S. sovereignty and has no strategy to influence the result of the presidential race. Yet Mexican diplomats are mobilizing for the first time to assist immigrants in gaining U.S. citizenship, hosting free workshops on naturalization.

“This is a historic moment where the Mexican consulate will open its doors to carry out these types of events in favor of the Mexican community,” Adrian Sosa, a spokesman for the consulate in Chicago, said before an event on March 19. In Dallas, about 250 permanent residents attended the consulate’s first “citizenship clinic” in February and another 150 in its second in March. In Las Vegas, the turnout topped 500.

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