Former Border Patrol Agent On The Invasion: OTMs, Catch-And-Release, And Hidden Illegals
By Former Agent
Both the Baltimore Sun and the Washington Post appear to have stopped coverage of what is going on along the southern border. However, the steady stream of humanity continues to pour across. Just because there is not a wave of humanity sitting under the Del Rio Port of Entry does not by a long shot mean that the numbers have ceased.
The numbers of crossings on the Texas/Mexico border are compiled from Tuesday to Tuesday. The week ending September 21st had 33,000 illegal aliens encountered, September 28th had 26,000 and October 5th had a little over 20,000.
A significant portion of the illegal aliens were OTMs meaning "Other Than Mexican." For instance, it was over 19,000 of the total for week ending September 28th and over 14,000 for the week ending October 5th. Sadly, even the Mexicans encountered are just sent back to try again anyway.
The majority of the OTMs were from Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala (the biggest), Nicaragua and Honduras. However, there were quite a few Cubans, Brazilians, and Venezuelans. If Central America runs out of people, then I’m sure that the rest of these nations will pick up the slack. There are also plenty of Africans coming in and a smattering of Uzbeks and other strays. There have been a few stray Frenchmen caught too. I suspect these "French" may actually have origins in Algeria or the Ivory Coast. Most French are smart enough to know that France is a visa waiver country and that you can just fly into the United States, then overstay your visa.
In my experience when processing them, you are interested in finding out how they got to the U.S., but at the same time, you are often talking through AT&T’s language line and are under pressure to process them and get them out because there are several more to be processed afterwards. (Plus, there always seems to be some sort of problem with the IDENT fingerprint system and matching the right fingerprints to the right alien.)
The vast majority of the OTMs are being released into the United States. The Rio Grande Valley continues to release close to a thousand illegal aliens a day. When the Haitians in Del Rio were getting all the headlines, that was still going on uninterrupted and without fanfare in the Rio Grande Valley.
There’s been a big deal in the media over a Republican mayor winning McAllen, Texas; however, the county in which it is located still went for Biden over Trump 58% to 40%. One of my friends was talking to a Biden supporter and the Biden supporter flat out told him that he did not believe the reports of floods of immigrants streaming across the border. My friend told him to drive down to the Anzalduas Port of Entry and take a look under the bridge. On any given day, there’s about 500 people under the bridge. The Biden supporter came back after driving down and said something to the effect that he wouldn’t have believed it unless he had seen it with his own eyes.
See for yourself, below:
I remember reading Antoine De Saint Exupery’s evaluation of how the Germans defeated France so quickly in World War II. Saint Exupery said that one of the things that the Germans understood was that a human actually occupies a very small space on the earth and that makes it easy to run around people, to get through the gaps. (Of course, he left out the advantage of being high on meth and thus staying awake for days.)
When I was in Texas in 2019, it was a constant drudgery of seeing another hundred plus people each day, and knowing they were all to be processed and released. You go into work the next day, and it’s a different set of a hundred people in front of you. The local authorities complained to the Border Patrol about the Border Patrol’s dumping the illegal aliens at the local bus station. After the complaint, the Border Patrol worked with Catholic Charities and either released the aliens directly to Catholic Charities or took a van with a few OTMs at a time and let them off at the bus station.
As a result, a lot of the immigration was hidden from the local public. I talked to some locals who were absolutely clueless about what was happening. They didn’t live near the bus station or Catholic Charities and so were blissfully ignorant of anything amiss. Most of the illegal aliens will not be staying in south Texas.
My friend in Texas tells me that the one Constable assigned to the Anzalduas State Park (a little up river of the Anzalduas P.O.E.) catches between 50 to 300 illegal aliens a week. If one week it’s 50, then most of them will turn out to be Mexicans who actually try to run and get away, whereas if it’s 300, then it is most likely family units all being released into America.
The United States has grown by over 100 million people since 1980. It’s been a steady slow increase, sort of like the slow heating of the water to boil a frog. However, they send a few here, a few there and only gradually does the increase become apparent.