Former Labour Minister Admits "Spectacular Mistake" On Immigration
By Steve Sailer
From the Daily Mail:
A spectacular mistake on immigration: Straw finally admits Labour 'messed up' by letting in one million East Europeans
Former Home Secretary said the party’s 2004 decision to hand immediate working rights to migrants from other EU states was a mistake
Admission in his local paper is furthest any Labour minister has gone
His successor David Blunkett also warned Roma migrants could cause riots
Government had predicted influx of 13,000 a year — 1m came in a decade
Jack Straw has admitted that throwing open Britain’s borders to Eastern European migrants was a ‘spectacular mistake’.
The former Home Secretary said Labour’s 2004 decision to hand immediate working rights to Poles and migrants from other new EU states was a ‘well-intentioned policy we messed up’.
His comments emerged on the same day as his successor as Home Secretary, David Blunkett, warned that the influx of Roma migrants into Britain risked causing riots. …
Virtually every other EU state, apart from Ireland and Sweden, kept their jobs markets closed for the seven years permitted.
In an article for his local paper, the Lancashire Telegraph, Mr Straw — who is MP for Blackburn — admitted the forecasts were ‘worthless’.
And he accepted the ‘social dislocation’ which can be caused when ‘large numbers of people from abroad settle in a particular area’.
Here’s Straw’s own column.
By the way, Straw has also shown some courage in mentioning the pattern of Pakistani gangrapes of young English girls.
It’s interesting how American elites are almost alone in the world in maintaining a unified front in never ever apologizing for what they've wrought with their immigration policies.