
Fort Hood Registering Off Post Private Weapons Belonging to Soldiers

By Allan Wall


How has the U.S. government responded to last year’s Fort Hood massacre, in which a Muslim officer in the U.S. Army attacked and killed fellow soldiers?

Has it led our government to question the wisdom of recruiting Muslim soldiers or of allowing large numbers of Muslims to immigrate to our country?

Of course not. Our government is now cracking down on its own soldiers who own private weapons. World Net Daily reports that

The U.S. Army command at Fort Hood, where Muslim psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly shot and killed 13 people and an unborn child, now is demanding that its soldiers confess whether they have any guns in their off-base homes, what kind of guns they are and what are their serial numbers. The action recalls similar disclosure demands on which WND has previously reported at Fort Bliss in Texas and Fort Campbell in Kentucky.

The official spin at Fort Hood makes it sound harmless.

According to Christopher Haug Sr., the chief of media relations for Fort Hood, officials at the base issued an "operation order" that directed commanders "to reinforce Soldier Health and Wellness on Sept. 27." "In this order, battalion commanders were directed to review all privately owned weapons registration. There is not a requirement to register off-post weapons but soldiers are encouraged to do so," Haug said. "Commanders and leaders inquire about access to weapons as part of the health and welfare inspection. This is in accordance with Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy dated March 18, 2008," he said.

World Net Daily, however, had a source on the inside.

But a soldier on base who contacted WND regarding the demand for information about off-base weapons said that’s not the way it was presented to soldiers. "At the end of the day formation … we were all required to state whether we owned a firearm. Then those that owned firearms were required to have their names put on a watch list that included registration status of the firearms and where the firearms were kept," wrote the soldier, who asked for anonymity to avoid retaliation. "The list included those … who live off post in privately owned homes," the soldier confirmed. "I feel like I have been violated and my 2nd Amendment rights infringed," the soldier wrote. "Last year Homeland Security said that veterans are a potential threat to the country, now I and many others in my unit are on a watch list because we own guns." The soldier said the actions were taken against soldiers throughout the brigade. Further, the soldier reported the lists of those with guns were assembled and passed out to various individuals on the base. "My platoon sergeant is very upset because he does not want everyone to know what he has in his private residence," the soldier said.

Fort Hood Soldiers Told to List Private Weapons Bob Unruh, Sept. 30th, 2010 For my article on the Fort Hood massacre, see Remembering Fort Hood — How the Massacre Happened.

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