Fort Jackson Five Plot Uncovered?
By Allan Wall
In what looks suspiciously like another incident of Islamic subversion within the U.S. military, five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, dubbed the Fort Jackson Five, have been accused of plotting to poison the food supply. Or have they?
According to the AP report, Army Probes 5 Soldiers on Poison Allegations,
The Army has been investigating five soldiers at its largest training base since December over allegations that soldiers' food may have been poisoned, but officials said Friday no one was ever in any danger. While an army spokesman at the Pentagon said the probe involved allegations of poisoning in the installation’s food service, a spokesman for Fort Jackson in South Carolina would say only that the investigation involves five soldiers and their "potential verbal threats against fellow soldiers."
Of course they are trying to downplay the potential seriousness:
"While the investigation continues, there is currently no credible evidence to substantiate the allegations … At no time was there any danger to the Fort Jackson community," spokeswoman Julia Simpkins said.
But if there was no danger, what was the investigation about?
Other sources, however, are more informative.
This report, for example, says that
The Army began investigating in December allegations that five soldiers at its Fort Jackson training base in South Carolina were involved in a plot to poison the food supply there, the Christian Broadcasting Network reported. The investigation began the month after the deadly attack at Fort Hood in Texas and is ongoing, according to The Associated Press. The five soldiers were members of the 09 Lima program, which trains native foreign-language speakers to be translators and interpreters within the Army. All were Arabic speakers, according to CBN. In the time since the investigation began, the Army has relocated the program from Fort Jackson to Fort Huachuca in Arizona, the Army Times reported.
If it is truly another Muslim plot, right on the heels of the Ft. Hood shooting, it looks like our PC military leadership is trying to sweep it under the rug.
Well, whatever the case, we need to stop recruiting Arabic translators and teach our own people Arabic and other Middle Eastern languages.