Fox News Investigates Honor Killings in the USA
Fox News had a one-hour special today about honor-killing diversity in this country. It will be reshown 8 and 11 p.m. EDT Sunday [Murder in the Family: Honor Killings in America, Fox News, July 26, 2008].
Three cases are included in this tv doc, along with the recent Jonesboro, Georgia, murder.
” Fifty-year-old Yaser Abdel Said became the focus of a massive manhunt after he allegedly killed his teenage daughters Sarah and Amina — for dating boys against his will. Relatives say he tried to marry off Amina in his native Egypt when she was 16, and he hasn’t been seen since the girls were shot to death on New Year’s Day.” Zein Isa, a Palestinian terrorist who lived in St. Louis, was convicted of killing his daughter Palestina in 1989. Investigators say he was furious she had a black boyfriend, went to a school dance and got a job at Wendy’s. Palestina’s mother held her down as Isa plunged a 9-inch knife into his daughter’s chest, actions the FBI picked up on a microphone as they investigated Isa for his terrorist ties.
” Waheed Mohammad, a 22-year-old immigrant from Afghanistan, was shamed by his sister, who he thought was a "bad Muslim girl." At his mother’s behest, investigators say, he tried to "stop" his sister, stabbing her multiple times, though she survived and spoke to FOX News.
I've written about individual honor killings in (Here Is the Face of Diversity Today … and Honor Killing in Texas, about Amina and Sarah Said, pictured) as well as the problem of misogynous immigration in general (What Would Susan B. Anthony Think of a "Muslim Rape Wave"?). It was therefore interesting to see, for example, American relatives interviewed about their ignorance concerning Muslim family norms.
The one expert consulted was no-nonsense feminist Phyllis Chesler, who married a Muslim man when she was young and was dangerously ignorant of how women are treated under Islam. She knows better now. She discussed the connection of Islam to honor killing and warned of the "very evolved political correctness" that prevents westerners from speaking about the obvious connection of the religion to belief-based violence and other social dysfunction.
The big wrap-up analysis seemed to be that honor killing needs to be honestly named and openly condemned. That’s true enough, but does not go nearly far enough.
Why should Americans be forced to accept new varieties of crime, particularly against women and girls, after more than a century of effort to raise the social status of women? It’s turning back the clock on progress to allow these Muslim hooligans into our country to abuse and kill women who won’t follow their 8th century views of how society should operate.
Liberal immigration policies have welcomed these misogynous knuckle-draggers, and laws should be changed to curtail the entrance these hateful creatures. No immigrants should be accepted from nations that do not have strong laws against honor killing. In many places, honor killers receive little if any punishment.
Keep them out. There’s no right to immigrate, a fact many liberal immigration fantasists want to forget.