"Fraud Goes Unchecked … "

By Brenda Walker


The degree of fraud that goes on in LEGAL immigration is truly over the top.

For example, in 2003 Paul Nachman asked Prof Jan Ting, the former Assistant Commissioner of the INS, "Is it true that 90 percent of asylum and refugee cases are fraudulent?" and Ting responded, "95 percent."

The 9/14 Examiner editorial is fact heavy and deserves attention.

On April 6, former USCIS Director of Security Michael Maxwell told stunned members of Congress that only six personnel security experts at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 151 which awards coveted green cards, work permits and Social Security numbers 151 were detailed to handle a crushing backlog of 11,000 employee background investigations and 2,771 internal affairs complaints that touched every office except the director himself, including 528 serious criminal allegations of bribery, document fraud, extortion, money laundering and espionage.[ Editorial: Fraud goes unchecked as foreigners game federal immigration system Washington DC Examiner, September 14, 2006 ]

More on the same topic in today’s Bush Administration Lets Its Guard Down.

A recent AP-Ipsos poll found that more than half of the residents of New York and Washington are afraid they will be attacked again. Such fears are hardly unwarranted. The federal government’s lackadaisical approach to border control allows more unlawful immigrants to enter our country than law enforcement officers can hope to catch. Meanwhile, federal officials have been handing out legal immigration benefits without performing the due diligence expected by the American public, which is essential to national security. In order to accommodate their "customers," employees of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services routinely waive fingerprint requirements, approving applications without checking them against the terrorist watch list, even neglecting to compare current photographs of those seeking political asylum with originals stored in the Image Storage and Retrieval System.

You can read the transcript of the entire hearing.

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