Freddie Gray Case, A Key Event in Late Obama Age Collapse, Fizzles Out Ignominously
By Steve Sailer
From The New York Times:
Baltimore Officers Will Face No Federal Charges in Death of Freddie GrayHow many incremental people have been murdered in Baltimore due to the Obama Administration / BLM / Soros etc. promotion of this case in March 2015?By REBECCA R. RUIZ SEPT. 12, 2017
WASHINGTON — Six Baltimore police officers will face no federal charges in the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died of a severe spinal cord injury while in custody, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday. …
Six officers were charged by the Baltimore state’s attorney with crimes related to Mr. Gray’s death, including manslaughter and murder. All were cleared in those cases as well.
Compared to the mean in 2007-2014, it looks like Baltimore is now up around 300 incremental dead bodies since the Freddie Gray Fiasco began about 30 months ago.