Freeloaders Experience Second Thoughts
How typical of the LA Times to treat reduced illegal entry as a quasi-sob story, starting with the headline — "The undocumented hesitate to enter a less-alluring U.S." (Dec 26)
The lame journalism aside, Mexicans are apparently beginning to question whether America is still a full trough of goodies for them. The news doesn’t get much better than that, even though a large part of the reason for Mexican reluctance is our slowing economy, as well as tougher enforcement in places like Arizona.
“ A recent survey by Mexican authorities shows that fewer Mexicans say they are planning to seek work outside the country. In the third quarter of 2007, about 47,000 said they'd be packing their bags. That’s down nearly one-third from the same quarter a year earlier.
However, la Times has a funny way of looking at statistics: it’s the old reduction-of-increase trick (used often in Congressional budget propaganda): the speed at which spending of some sort is not expanding at the earlier rate, so therefore the sky is falling. Wrong. Mexico is still getting over $20 billion annually in remittances, a sum made possible by American taxpayers being forced to pay for illegals' welfare.
“ The growth in remittances sent to Mexico has dwindled to a trickle. Through October of this year, Mexicans living abroad sent $20.4 billion home to their families, a 1.3% increase over the same period in 2006, according to Mexico’s central bank. Those sums were growing in excess of 20% annually just a few years ago.
As I wrote in Financial Bloodsucking Update, even a top Mexican banker now recognizes that the easy money of remittances has turned the country into a national welfare queen, too lazy to invest in its own endeavors. Why spend Mexican pesos on educating the kiddies, Mex-elites figure, when they are more profitable as illiterate expats, sending back billions of dollars?