Here’s a funny thing: Colorado Voters Are Canceling Their Registrations After Trump Request For Voter Data, by Sam Levine, Huffington Post, July 8 2017:
Denver election officials told Denver7 and The Colorado Independent at least 180 people had withdrawn their voter registration since July 3. Compared to the eight withdrawals they cited over the same time period the previous week, it amounted to a 2,150 percent increase.“I never expected to come to work and see such a sudden increase in voter registration withdrawals. I never expected to see more withdrawals in a day than new registrations,” Amber McReynolds, the director of elections for Denver, said in a statement. [Links in original, emphases added].
McReynolds adds the goo-gooish platitude that “Engaging, not disengaging, is essential to participation in making our communities stronger and improving the citizens’ experience. I believe it is more important to be registered and engaged than not.”
Neither she nor HuffPo’s Levine appear to have considered the possibility that the deregistering voters are not eligible for the "citizens' experience" because they are not citizens (or have also registered somewhere else) and don’t want to be nailed for what is actually a serious crime.
Maybe ending voter fraud, like getting illegals to self-deport, will just turn out to require just threatening to enforce the law.