Gaston Phebus: Each Illegal Legalized In Europe Will Cost A Million Euros
Here at we don’t do a lot of bilingualism ourselves, and neither does Gaston Phebus, a French blogger who we link to because he’s a kindred spirit. But a French kindred spirit, so his blog posts look like this
R?©gulariser 1 clandestin co?»te 1 million d’euros By gastonphebusSelon l’institut anglais Migrationwatch, le co?»t total pour le contribuable ? chaque fois qu’un seul immigr?© clandestin est r?©gularis?© est de 893 000 livres sterling, soit 1 044 000 euros. Ce chiffre repr?©sente la somme des diverses prestations sociales re?§ues (moins les imp?´ts pay?©s) par un immigr?© moyen de 25 ans qui se mariera, aura 2 enfants, prendra sa retraite ? 65 ans et mourra ? 80 ans. [More, but still in French| More, electronically translated ]
You see the problem — in the words of Steve Martin ”Boy, those French: They have a different word for everything!” But I studied this in school many years ago, and I can tell what the basic drift is — legalizing illegals is a money-losing proposition, because illegals are mostly the poor, and cost more than they pay in taxes.
Here, courtesy of Google’s service de traduction automatique, or whatever you call it, is roughly what M’sieu Phebus is saying:
During his lifetime, the average illegal immigrant will receive a total of 1 106 000 in benefits if it is corrected.This includes his housing subsidized by the state, children’s education, medical treatment, family allowances, retirement he will receive after 65 years, and so on. In return, he will pay 62 000 euros in taxes and social contributions. The difference is 1 106 000 — 62 000 = 1 044 000.This cost is entirely borne by the taxpayer. The new report was published at the time the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, a Conservative, said that it would be "morally correct" to regularize 725 000 illegal immigrants in the capital.
The report, The Potential Lifetime Costs of an Amnesty, is all from, and is all in English.
The same financial considerations apply with illegal immigrants to the United States from south of the border, of course. While they may be making a profit for themselves, and for their employers, they're costing the rest of the taxpayers a bundle.