Geert Wilders Speaks to Washington Republicans
On Wednesday, the Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders delivered a speech to the Conservative Opportunity Society in Washington. He was invited by Congressmen Steve King and Louis Gohmert to the city for a couple of events.
The usual suspects objected to his being welcomed to the capital city to warn against hostile Islam, as he does frequently. CAIR demanded that the GOP disinvite Wilders, an elected member of the Dutch parliament. The two Muslim congressmen wanted him blocked from entering the United States.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a press release saying that it is “deeply distressed” that the anti-Muslim xenophobe was invited to Washington. Wait, isn’t the ADL a Jewish group supposed to be concerned with anti-semitism? The biggest threat to Jews is Islam: the Hadith says, “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.” During the January Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, four shoppers at a kosher deli were killed. French soldiers guard synagogues and Jewish schools from jihad attack. But the ADL is worried about Geert Wilders telling the truth about Islam.
Islam is definitely unfriendly to free speech. In fact, Muslims murder people who speak against their beliefs, such as the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo journalists. Wilders needs 24/7 security because of his outspoken honesty about the threat that Islam poses to civilization.
Following is the speech, where he reminded the audience that Islam is a threat to westerners because of immigration: we have allowed the enemy inside the gates.
Speech Geert Wilders for US Congressmen, Washington DC,, April 29, 2015Dear Friends,
It is an honor to be here, among so many colleagues. Thank you Steve for inviting me here at the Conservative Opportunity Society.
I am a politician under attack. For over ten years now, I have been living under 24 hour police protection. I am on the death list of Al Qaida. The Pakistani Taliban also want me dead and terrorists from the Islamic State in Syria made similar threats. In order to be safe, my wife and live in a safe house and have stayed in army barracks and even in prison cells, actually the same cells and beds where the Lockerbie suspects were held in the Netherlands. I am driven around in armored cars and even during TV debates in election time in my home country I have to wear a bullet proof vest. Leftist and liberal activists call me a xenophobe and a racist and the extreme right calls me a Zionist and Mossad agent because of my love for Israel.
So what did I do to deserve all this?
The reason for all this is that I speak out against the Islamization of the West. The reason is that I tell the truth about the totalitarian ideology called Islam and that I nonetheless lead one of the major parties in the Netherlands. A national poll yesterday even indicated that my party, the Party for Freedom, is currently the biggest party in the Netherlands.
But enough about me. It is not about me.
I am not the only one under attack. My country is under attack. My continent is under attack. Your country and your continent are under attack. We are all under attack. Our western civilization based on Christianity and Judaism is under attack. The whole free Western world is under attack.
And remember, we have been under attack before.
As it happens, we are gathered here this morning on a symbolic day.
Exactly 70 years ago, on April 29, 1945, two divisions of the US Seventh Army liberated the concentration camp of Dachau, the oldest of the Nazi concentration camps.
One of the American liberators wrote: “Since we saw this camp, we understood that we were not engaged in war against soldiers and officers, but against criminals.”
After the Second World War, our leaders vowed: Never again!
Never again will we tolerate anti-Semitism, political assassinations, mass murders, oppression, slavery. And they vowed that they would never forget and always remember the lessons of history.
Here is one of these lessons:
When confronted with evil, do not put your heads in the sand, but act before it is too late.
In the 1930s, most politicians in Europe had looked away. They tried to appease evil, hoping that it would react to appeasement by growing moderate. What fools they had been! And what a terrible price the world had to pay for this foolishness. Neutrality in the face of evil is evil.
But appeasement is downright suicide.
And here we are today.
Despite all the promises that we would not make the same awful mistake all over again, many Western leaders are doing exactly that. Looking away and appeasing evil.
I often wonder what part of the Koran our leaders find so difficult to understand?
Is it sura 47:4? “When ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and cause a bloodbath among them”? Or is it sura 4:89, “Seize them and kill them wherever ye find them”? Or sura 8:60, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”? Or is it another of the over 150 Koranic verses which call for jihad against non-Muslims? Or any of the many verses which call for the subjugation of Christians and Jews, or the murder of apostates?
We have a huge problem with Islam in the West today. First, let us look at the causes, then at the consequences, and finally at ways to solve this problem.
The Islamization process has been caused by immigration, combined with our failure to demand that immigrants adapt our values. Fifty years ago, the Netherlands had one thousand Islamic immigrants. Today, we have one million, or 6% of our population.
In the Netherlands, Muhammad is currently already the second most popular name among newborn boys nationwide and the most popular name in our three largest cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. This is also the case in the Belgian capital Brussels, the Norwegian capital Oslo, the British capital London and as a matter of fact even in the whole of Great-Britain.
We failed to demand that immigrants adopt our Judeo-Christian values and assimilate into our society. And here are some of the consequences: There is little loyalty to our home countries.
A survey last November among Turkish youths in the Netherlands found that 80% do not consider the violence which groups such like IS use against non-believers to be wrong. An earlier poll showed that 73% of the Muslims in my country say that Dutch Muslims who go and fight in Syria are heroes. You have heard right: Heroes!
Of course — I repeat it wherever I go — I have nothing against Muslims. Before the death threats started I have visited almost every Islamic country and I met many friendly people. I know there are many moderate Muslims who do not live according to the violent commands of the Koran. Muslims can be moderates. But there is no moderate Islam. Islam has changed Europe beyond recognition.
I invite you to come to Europe and visit some of our inner cities. I will show you around. We will drive you around. You can see it with your own eyes. You will not believe your eyes.
Many neighborhoods of European cities no longer look European. We are confronted with headscarves and burkas, polygamy, and huge sympathy for the goals and the practices of terror groups such as Islamic State and al-Qaeda.
The floodgates of immigration are wide open.
Last year, a record 218,000 immigrants reached Europe by boats across the Mediterranean Sea.
Those who made it were the lucky ones. Many of the boats sink and the immigrants drown.
A human catastrophe is unfolding. The Mediterranean is becoming a Sea of Death.
At this very moment, there are up to 1 million immigrants, mostly Islamic, waiting in North Africa to cross the Mediterranean in shabby boats. They take the risk of drowning because they know that Europe is not sending them back once they have made it. That is why ever more people try to cross. This situation must stop.
The European Union has decided to send navy vessels to pick up the immigrants and transport them to Europe. This policy is stupid. It will encourage even more people to attempt crossing the sea. What Europe should do is to follow the example of Australia. The Australian navy pushes boats with immigrants back, out of the Australian waters. If the boats of the immigrants are too shabby, the Australians provide them with new boats with food and water, but they do not allow one single illegal immigrant to enter their country. The Australians results are excellent: fewer people try to reach Australia by boat, fewer people drown and the criminal human traffickers lose their income.
The boats also constitute a huge security risk. ISIS is using them as a gateway to Europe. ISIS recently boasted from Libya: “We will conquer Rome with Allah’s permissions.” The British Quilliam Foundation saw an ISIS document revealing that jihadis are about to sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people trafficking vessels. They want to attack what they call “the Crusader states” in Europe.
The UN plan to resettle 1 million immigrants in Western nations will provide jihadis an opportunity to infiltrate Western countries, including the US. It will give terrorists the opportunity to settle in our countries without the extra scrutiny involved in obtaining a visa or a residence permit.
We should not do this. The vast majority of the European citizens disapprove of the way their governments are handling immigration. Moreover, there are plenty of other safe countries where immigrants bound for the West can go to, including the wealthy Gulf States that have almost zero asylum-seekers today.
Immigration, especially Islamic immigration, had devastating consequences. It has made our countries less safe. What this means, we witnessed last Summer in my home town, The Hague. Sympathizers of the Islamic State paraded in the streets. They carried swastikas, they carried the black flags of IS. They shouted “Death to the Jews.”
It was a truly frightening sight, bringing back memories of the darkest period in our history.
It indicates how much a once so peaceful and tolerant society as the Netherlands has changed as a result of Islamic mass immigration.
In every Western nation, there are homegrown jihadis, prepared to commit violence. ISIS calls them “city wolves.” Our media prefer to speak of “lone wolves,” but they are not alone; there are thousands of them. According to the European police agency Europol, 5,000 homegrown jihadis have left Europe to fight in Syria and Iraq.
The situation is extremely serious.
Last January, an ISIS operative said that his organization had already sent some 4,000 fighters into Europe. 4,000 city wolves are on the loose in Europe. In Germany, the Military Intelligence Service even warns for jihadis having infiltrated the German army.
In my country, the University of Amsterdam found that 11% of the 1 million Muslims in the Netherlands is prepared to use violence for the sake of Islam. That is a staggering 100,000 people in a country of 17 million inhabitants!
Our duty is clear. In order to solve the problem, we have to stop mass immigration to the West from Islamic countries. And we have to get rid of the cultural relativism.
The authorities in both Europe and America try to prevent Jihadis from leaving for Syria and Iraq.
But I say: This is wrong. Let them leave if they want to leave. But let them never return.
Blocking the exodus of those who want to wage Jihad elsewhere and not detain them is sheer stupidity. Perhaps you remember that the Jihadis who last Autumn murdered soldiers in Canada were people whom the authorities had previously prevented to leave for Syria and who were not arrested but allowed to go free on the street.
We must hasten their exit instead of preventing it. But we must never allow them to return. If you leave for jihad you lose the right to our citizenship and we will never let you come back again. This is how it should be.
In my country and the other EU member states, which signed the so-called Schengen Treaty, we have abolished all border controls between the 26 member states of the Schengen zone. This means that Jihadis from one of these states can freely travel to the others and commit their crimes there. And it has already happened. Last year a Jihadi from France, who had just returned from Syria, went to Belgium and murdered four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.
Without borders a nation-cannot guarantee the security of its citizens. Neither can it preserve its national identity and culture. I believe that one of the most vital things which we Europeans must do is to leave Schengen and reinstate national border control.
My friends, we are all in the same boat.
And we must do our duty.
We must speak the truth about Islam, so that our electorates be aware of the danger.
We must protect our Judeo-Christian civilization, so that their children can leave in peace and prosperity.
We must defend our borders, so that our families be safe and our nation’s identity preserved.
We must stand with Israel and all the free nations threatened by Islam.
And above all, we must be brave.
As the great Ronald Reagan said: The future does not belong to the fainthearted.
Thank you.