Geert Wilders Visits America, Warning of the Threat to Freedom from Hostile Islam
Dutch political leader Geert Wilders has been traveling in the United States this week and has made appearances and given interviews. Unlike many political figures, he is an energetic promoter of freedom and Western values, perhaps because his country the Netherlands has learned the hard way how deeply harmful unwise immigration can be. He says things like, “I believe that Islam and freedom are incompatible” with no apologies.
In fact, when discussing the threat of hostile Islam, Wilders normally mentions the immigration component and that it should be stopped. He understands that admitting historic enemies into a nation as immigrants is madness.
SunTV’s Michael Coren interviewed Wilders on Wednesday, following the terrorist attack in Ottawa. He recommended that Canada “Be much tougher and stricter in your immigration policy. My party advocates a full stop of immigrants from Islamic countries. Not that we believe all that Muslims are bad people. They are not. But we cannot import people from countries where an ideology is dominant that wants to use violence, that has nothing to do with the rule of law of our society, based on our values of Christianity and Judaism, on humanism.”
Wilders gave an interview to the American Spectator that was quite concise in describing the problem and naming what must be done.
Six Questions with Geert Wilders, By Scott McKay, American Spectator, October, 21, 2014A defender of Western civilization speaks.
Geert Wilders is the founder of the Dutch Party for Freedom, the fourth largest in that country’s parliament, and perhaps the Netherlands’ most controversial political figure. Wilders, whose 2008 film Fitna confrontationally opposed the encroachment of Islamic culture into Europe, has become an international figure while being prosecuted for “hate speech.” Calling himself a “right-wing liberal,” Wilders advocates curbing immigration into the Netherlands and other Western countries from Islamic nations, closing radical mosques, denaturalizing violent Muslims, and reducing the power of the European Union, among other things.
In America this week for a one-week tour, Wilders chatted with The American Spectator about Islam, the civilizational conflict, and what must be done to keep the West free.
How big is the threat to the West from Islamic civilizational jihad? Is our focus on terrorism overlooking other, perhaps more insidious means?
Islam is a totalitarian ideology aiming for world domination. It wants to establish a worldwide caliphate, ruled by Sharia law — undemocratic, intolerant, barbarian, inhuman.
Terror and violence are just one method which is used in order to achieve this aim. There are other methods, such as conquest by hijra (immigration). Muhammad himself gave this example of hijra when he conquered Medina. This town, which was originally a tolerant and partly Jewish oasis, became Islamic after Muhammad and his followers settled there and took it over.
Western leaders focus solely on terrorism, but fail to see the purpose which terrorism is serving: Islamic word dominance. They should focus on fighting the global imperialist plans of Islam and treat terrorism as one of the means used to achieve this goal.
How would you characterize the Dutch experience in assimilating Muslims?
The Netherlands failed to assimilate Islam. So did the other European nations.
Western Europe is in the grip of cultural relativism. It no longer believes in the superiority of its own Western Judeo-Christian and humanist values. These Western values have brought Europe peace, prosperity, liberty, and democracy. But, unfortunately, European political leaders no longer seem to understand this.
The newcomers were not asked to assimilate. On the contrary, the Europeans told newcomers settling in their nations: you are free to violate our norms and values because your culture is just as good, and perhaps even better, than ours. Muslims were allowed to build enclaves on European soil, where Western values are despised and hated.
The Islamization of Western Europe is a direct result of this. European nations did not assimilate Islam but rather encouraged it to continue to live according to its culture, which is intolerant, inferior, and totally incompatible with Europe’s culture and civilization.
How do you resuscitate traditional Western culture in the face of the encroachment we’re seeing? Or is Europe inevitably lost?
The European nations need to rediscover and reassert their identity. If Europe fails to stand up for its own culture and identity, it, will, indeed, be lost to Islam. Time is running out. Islam is assertive and aggressive. Europe should be assertive in countering Islam. Europe needs to turn the tide of Islamization and start a de-Islamization process.
Here are five things which should be done:
1) Europe should close its borders to all immigration from Islamic countries.
2) It should stimulate voluntary re-emigration;
3) and it should expel all criminals with a dual nationality to the country of their other nationality.
4) It should demand that everyone with a passport from an Islamic country, who wishes to remain living in Western Europe, sign a declaration in which he or she distances himself or herself from Sharia law and the violent commands of the Koran.
5) People who join the jihad have to be expelled, even it they only have our nationality. They can go and live in the Islamic State and no longer belong here.
What message can you offer Americans about the threat posed by Islam and efforts to stifle freedom of speech critical of Islam?
Americans are more patriotic than Europeans. That is a good thing. Europe would be in a better shape if it were more patriotic. Americans should cherish their pride in being American. They should insist that everyone who settles in America accept its values, which are based on its Western Judeo-Christian heritage.
America should close its borders to immigration from Islamic countries. There is more than enough Islam in America already.
Freedom of speech is a very important American value. In many European countries, people criticizing Islam are prosecuted. Telling the truth about Islam is considered to be offensive, because Islam feels offended by it. But the truth can never be offensive and people should never refrain from speaking it.
America should recognize that ISIS is an offspring of Islam. What ISIS does is what Islam commands. The Koran is full of commands such as sura 47 verse 4 “When ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and cause a bloodbath among them.” When Obama, John Kerry, the British Prime Minister David Cameron, and others say that “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam” they are talking politically correct nonsense.
Is Dutch public sentiment actively opposed to the Islamist threat, or are your countrymen still largely unconcerned? Is this a situation where the political class is being unresponsive to the concerns of the citizenry as well as oblivious to a societal threat to your country?
I never use the word “Islamist”, because there is only one Islam: the Islam of the Koran and of Muhammad.
Growing numbers of Dutch people are aware that Islam does not belong here because Islamic values are incompatible with our own. A poll last June showed that two thirds of the Dutch say that the Islamic culture does not belong in the Netherlands. The political class, however, does not voice the concerns of the people. This phenomenon can be seen elsewhere in Europe, too. It is the reason why the traditional political parties are rapidly losing the support of the people.
Are reforms to free speech controls needed in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe to avoid further prosecutions of Islam’s critics? Is such reform possible?
Islam is currently the greatest threat to the survival of our civilizations. People who warn against this threat, such as myself, are both threatened by Muslims who want to kill them for speaking the truth about Islam, and are at the same time prosecuted by the European authorities who want to silence them because they speak the truth about Islam. This is ridiculous. People should be allowed to speak the truth about the biggest danger that is currently threatening the survival of our Western civilization and the future prosperity and freedom of our children.