
Gender vs. Marriage Gap W/Kavanaugh

By Steve Sailer


From Audacious Epigone:

Parenthetically, the putative war on women is really a war on marriage. One of Steve Sailer’s many great insights over the years has been noting how the much talked about gender gap is reliably dwarfed by the much larger marriage gap.

So it is with the Kavanaugh calumny. The following graphs show firstly the percentages of respondents, by sex and marital status, who support Kavanaugh’s nomination with "don’t know" responses excluded, and secondly the gap in support by sex and then the gaps in support between married and never-married members of the same sex (N = 19,561):

The gap in support for Kavanaugh between married and never-married members of the same sex is more than twice as large as it is between men and women in general.

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