George W. Vs Mitt

By James Fulford


Mitt Romney is no Tom Tancredo, but his moderate immigration immigration restrictionism, which consists mostly of willingness to enforce the immigration laws, has apparently angered President Bush. Washington insider Robert Novak writes

WASHINGTON, D.C. — While President George W. Bush has maintained neutrality among contenders for the Republican presidential nomination, he privately expresses to friends his exasperation with Mitt Romney’s hard-line stance on immigration.

Bush is upset that Romney changed his position on the issue, compared to what it had been when he was governor of Massachusetts, at the expense of the president’s immigration reform. Bush and Sen. John McCain are not close, but the president is grateful for McCain’s support on Iraq and immigration. [Bush Against Romney, By Robert D. Novak Saturday, February 2, 2008]

Jeb Bush, on the other hand, supports Romney. It’s interesting to see that the husband of Columba Bush, and father of George P. Bush is apparently willing to put the interests of the Republican Party ahead of the interests of Mexico, but the President isn’t.

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