Germany Plans on Deporting Immigrant Grifters, aka “Poverty Immigrants”

By Nicholas Stix


Why aren’t we doing this? We actually have laws against immigrants becoming public charges and, unlike Germany, we have no legal obligation to let these people travel in our country, and yet, the vast majority of our “immigrants,” legal and illegal alike, are public charges. Indeed, that is their sole reason for coming here, not for work. (Very few of them were unemployed in their home countries.) This is one of the many reasons why we need a moratorium on all immigration.

The untold story behind this story is the influence of Democratic Socialist economist-banker Thilo Sarrazin’s brilliant, courageous, 2010 book,Deutschland schafft sich ab: Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen (Germany Abolishes Itself: How We are Gambling with Our Country), in stiffening the will of the German public and bringing around its political class. The academic and media Left sought to Derbyshire Sarrazin, by lying about his findings and demagoguing him, even as they charged him with spreading false social science and engaging in demagoguery, and as they said in stage whispers, “He’s a Nazi!,” but Sarrazin refused to back down. Sarrazin gave German patriots a language of protest, just the sort of language that the Left sought to rob them of.

Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for this catch.

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Germany Plans Deporting “Poverty Immigrants”

By Jewish Press News Briefs

June 9th, 2013 The Jewish Press

Israelis who may fear that European Union nations would look unfavorably at their country’s efforts to rid itself of some 60 thousand illegal migrant workers from Africa, may have less to worry about, as Germany is in the process of initiating a similar policy.

Germans have been complaining for years now about the influx of Rumanian and Bulgarian immigrants who are abusing the country’s social welfare system, Der Spiegel reports. Some German communities have been claiming that an increasing number of people are arriving from Rumania and Bulgaria with the help of organized gangs, obtaining a business license and applying for benefits a few months later under the presence that the business has been unsuccessful.

On Friday, Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told an audience of his European counterparts in Luxembourg that Germany will take measures to prevent poor immigrants from those two Eastern European countries from entering under false pretenses to collect welfare benefits.

Friedrich says that those who are found to be defrauding social services will be expelled from the country, despite the fact that they are granted the right to work and travel throughout Germany, since they are citizens of the European Union. They will also be banned from returning to Germany for a certain length of time, Friedrich added, saying: “Then, if they are picked up somewhere, they can be kicked out of the country again with little hassle, and this is crucial.”

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