Germany Trying To Deport Some Asylum Seekers, But They Resist. Keep Trying, Guys!
By Paul Nachman
The Daily Caller has a brief item today about Germany abandoning some deportations when the prospective deportees make too big a fuss. [Germany Abandons Hundreds Of Deportations Because Migrants Scream Before Flight, by Jacob Bojesson].
Of course, I hope these amount to mere delays, not actual abandonment.
In addition, "A recent eviction of three refugees back to Guinea cost $138,000, because they were considered violent and had to go on a chartered plane." Those three were "convicted criminals," so even that tab might turn out to be a bargain, long-term, for Deutschland.
This isn’t a startling, new phenomenon. I wrote about domestic cases here and here.
If we citizens of the West ever again get governments that work on our behalf, the solution for obstreperous deportees will be obvious: Sedate 'em, and ship 'em out. Deportations, ho!