Gitmo Visa Category for Terrorists? No Thanks.

By Brenda Walker


The great majority of Americans don’t want dangerous incarcerated terrorists turned loose in the country, according to the Rasmussen pollsters. Citizens don’t believe terrorism should be the newest visa category.

Job #1 of the federal government is national security and protecting us from enemies abroad. Washington is failing miserably, to the point of seriously considering the welcome of foreign enemies into our communities.

President Obama’s intelligence chief said last week that some inmates at the Guantanamo terrorist prison camp may be released in the United States, but just 13% of U.S. voters think that should be allowed.

Seventy-five percent (75%) say Guantanamo inmates should not be released in this country, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Twelve percent (12%) are not sure.

For 75% of voters, safety is more important than fairness in determining where terrorist suspects are released. Only 17% say fairness is more important. [75% Oppose Release of Guantanamo Inmates in the United States, Rasmussen Reports, April 3, 2009]

Gitmo 1-b? No way!

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