Glenn Reynolds: It Is a Civil Rights Felony to Conspire Against Free Speech

By Steve Sailer


Law professor Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds writes in USA Today:

Conspiring to stifle free speech is a crime: Glenn Reynolds

Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Published 6:04 a.m. ET Feb. 6, 2017

It is time for new laws that will make higher education leaders take the 1st Amendment seriously.

They told me if Donald Trump were elected, voices of dissent would be shut down by fascist mobs. And they were right!

At the University of California, Berkeley campus, for example, gay conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos had to be evacuated, and his speech cancelled, because masked rioters beat people, smashed windows, and started fires. …

That’s because there has evolved on our campuses a culture of impunity: Misbehavior on the part of lefty activists will get winked at, even as other groups (sports teams with sexist appearance rankings, say) get raked over the coals for minor misbehavior.

… First, state and local law enforcement agencies need to target violent rioters who seek to silence speakers. It is a felony under federal civil rights law to conspire to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights, among which is free speech. In addition, many states have laws (generally called Klan laws) that punish people who engage in mob violence or intimidation while masked. These should be applied as well.

Second, perhaps it’s time to have a Title IX-style law banning discrimination according to political viewpoints on campus.

Read the whole thing there. [Comment at]

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