Globalists Target Japan With Multicultural Makeover Plans
By Federale
Maintaining borders, language, and culture, loving one’s nation, not just as a political entity, but as the home of one’s people, one’s extended and greater family is unacceptable to the globalist elite. And one of their primary targets is Japan, which inexcusably maintains itself for itself. Japan does not exist for diversity, for serving foreign masters, for being anything other than Japanese.
That is not acceptable to Globohomo. And there is a relentless campaign, even in Japan, to subvert Japaneseness. It is always deceitful, though. Few in Japan have the courage, or chutzpah, to tell the Japanese that they must be destroyed, that Japaneseness is evil, that Japaneseness is racist, that Japan must be ended to pay for some sin real or imagined.
Japan is under assault, but the assault is much more nuanced than the open war on the historic American people. Instead of being so blatant, the globalist conspiracy is more nuanced, but its intent is the same as in Europe and America — the natives must be destroyed in the name of globalism, diversity, and the multicultural cult.
In Japan much of the multicultural lies are based on Japan being prosperous in the world of international trade and business; Japan must become less Japanese because otherwise we can’t sell Toyotas to Africans, or Muslims, or whatever. But there is a great difference between working in the world and destroying one’s own culture. And now that battle is joined in Japan. Will Japan work in the world, or will Japan be destroyed by the world? The globalists have purchased some Japanese who want to destroy Japan by making it less and less Japanese.
In April 2019, Japan officially opened its doors to lower-skilled foreign workers under a major revision of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. The creation of the Specified Skills visa program for blue-collar and other workers represents a historic change in Japanese immigration policy. But questions linger as to whether Japanese society, often described as insular and homogeneous, is prepared to welcome foreign residents and facilitate their participation on an equal footing.
I was confronted by such questions when I traveled to Cairo last December, at the behest of the Japan Foundation, to speak in Parliament and at Cairo University. “Do you think Japanese society can change and become less insular?” I was asked. “Isn’t the government just admitting foreign workers to do the jobs Japanese people don’t want any more?”
These are legitimate concerns. The Japanese have a reputation for looking down on nonwhites from other countries.
[Can Japan Embrace Multiculturalism?, by Menju Toshihiro,, February 19, 2020]
Why is it a concern of Egyptians, or anyone else, that Japanese society should change and become less Japanese? Note how the author ascribed being insular and homogeneous as being negative. Typical of globalists: The idea that remaining what you, your family, your people, and your nation are is somehow an affront to others half the world away.
And it doesn’t take long for Menju to insinuate that the Japanese are racist for not wanting their country changed into something less Japanese.
The far-right Japan First Party attracted considerable media attention during the unified local elections of 2019 with its anti-Korean, anti-immigration rhetoric (though the party has yet to win a seat at the local or national level)…
However, there is no doubt that foreign residents face serious challenges adapting to life in Japan, and that much remains to be done to ensure that our new immigration system works. In the following, I review some of the steps taken thus far before spotlighting the key issues demanding action.
But if you are a foreign resident in Japan, who is obligated to change? The immigrant or the nation the immigrant has entered? Obviously it is the immigrant who must change and adapt. However, they don’t seem to want to adapt. And they blame the Japanese language for their problems.
Now Japanese is a difficult language to learn, its grammar is not similar to any European language, and it has idiosyncrasies that do not help. And that is not even dealing with the three written forms of the Japanese language that are in daily use. It is not a language for the low IQ. But whiny globalists and their pets want to blame the Japanese for wanting to retain Japanese as the sole language of daily use in their own nation. Now, other nations have taken different strategies on language; Central Europe, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and the Balkans have basically adopted English as a second national language which can be used widely, and very convenient for tourists, but that is their decision and strategy, not Japan’s.
The language barrier is cited time and again as an obstacle to integration with the local community. In the 2015 survey, 58.6% of respondents reported experiencing difficulties with the Japanese language. “Reading newspapers and notices” was the problem most frequently cited (49.3%), followed by “understanding instructions from municipal officials and hospital staff” (46.6%) and “ordinary conversation” (37.6%). Among the comments in the free-response section were calls for multilingual editions of the Guide to Living in Shinjuku and other publications. “It’s very common to find oneself in violation of the rules simply because one can’t read Japanese,” commented one Chinese woman. Others called for expansion of the Japanese language classes sponsored by the municipal government. “One class a week is not enough to master Japanese,” said a Chinese woman, adding that “lessons focused on Japanese used in daily life would be ideal.”
The language barrier can be a serious issue for children as well as adults. Lack of proficiency in Japanese often leads to poor achievement and social isolation at school. Indeed, just “looking like a foreigner” can provoke bullying in many cases. Some parents transfer their children to international school to protect them, but for many the tuition is prohibitive. Children who are bullied or shunned at school are apt to drop out and grow up undereducated, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and isolation.
Of course, it all due to those horrible Japanese, the common man in Japan who loves his nation, people, and language.
The 2015 Shinjuku survey asked foreign residents how frequently they felt subject to discrimination or prejudice in their dealings with Japanese. A full 35% responded that “it happens sometimes,” and another 7.5% reported that “it happens often.” More than half of these (51.9%), the largest number, identified “apartment hunting” as a situation in which they encountered discrimination. The second most frequently cited situation was “looking for a job” (33.2%), followed by “administrative procedures” (25.6%)…
However, another woman lamented that her husband had been turned away time and again when searching for an apartment for the sole reason that he did not speak Japanese. She called on municipal authorities to publish local housing guides for foreigners.
Japan has decided that it will increase skilled immigration to targeted industries on a temporary basis: the Japanese do not want to flood their country with unassimilable hostile minorities. It heartens me to see that low level bureaucrats are making life unwelcome to those who refuse to learn Japanese and that landlords don’t want smelly gaijin around.
On March 11, 2019, a member of the university faculty posted on the university’s internal server a discriminatory complaint by a student about the “bad body odor” of African students. Underneath the student’s “complaint” was a reply from a faculty member that seemed to endorse or least condone the discrimination, saying: “Please tell me their name and I will talk to them privately.” The media picked up on the incident in June and the university issued an apology.
[Missed Opportunities in Japan’s “International Town,” by Kuroiwa Yoko,, February 18, 2020]
The bad news is that globalism is relentless on destroying Japan. The good news, like the comments section, is that the Japanese are not on board with the program, and are resisting. Sonno Jo I! Revere The Emperor, Expel The Barbarian!