Globalists Vs. Patriots: The Cold Civil War In Japan Over Immigration
By Federale
Japan is in the middle of a cold civil war, not as bloody as their Sengoku Jidai, Japan’s almost 200-year unpleasantness that cemented the role of the samurai in Japanese society. This time, though, it is a small traitorous class aligned with Globohomo that is seeking to transform Japan into something that is not Japanese. John Derbyshire has noted some victories of the enemies of Japan of late, as have I, but there are also victories for the patriots and nationalists.
Fortunately, the good news keeps rolling in. The Japanese are noticing and reacting angrily to predations by certain groups of illegal aliens, they are also maintaining their strict nationality laws in spite of attacks by expatriates, and have slapped down some bureaucrats who wanted to extend citizenship to gaijin in Japan.
First, Kurdish illegal aliens have been noticed for their criminal activity by residents of a Japanese city who are demanding action from the Immigration Services Agency (ISA) and the police.
Kawaguchi City has Japan’s largest population of foreign residents with a high concentration of Turkish nationals of Kurdish ethnicity. Recently, local media has focused attention on various incidents and clashes surrounding the community. And the local branch of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party has responded with an ominous note encouraging a legal crackdown on “foreigners”.
[Kurdish Residents of Kawaguchi City In Media Spotlight For The Worst Reasons, by Himari Semans, Unseen Japan, August 13, 2023]
The reporter, a Japanese married to a foreigner and agent of Globohomo, throughout the story seems to excuse the Kurdish criminality and decries efforts to hold the Kurds accountable for the criminality and illegal status. But local Japanese and local politicians from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the party of the Abe Shogunate, are demanding action against the violent Kurdish and Turkish illegal aliens. Score one for the Japanese people who will not accept imported violent criminals.
In the second story, Globohomo is again agitating against Japan’s strict prohibition against dual-citizenship. I have written before about the issue and in a similar case to one of the expatriates who I wrote about, the issue makes an appearance again. The unnamed international business professor lost her Japanese citizenship by naturalizing in Canada, but returned to Japan, and was “surprised” to find she was not longer a Japanese citizen. I am quite certain she is lying, as Japan’s law on dual-citizenship is well known and discussed in public because of the annoying black woman, Naomi Osaka, who claims to be Japanese.
A university professor living in Kyoto, who was born in Japan and whose parents are Japanese, was shocked when the Japanese government suddenly told her one day: “You’re a foreigner illegally residing in the country.”
The woman, who is in her 50s, is unable to obtain a Japanese passport and is still cannot leave the country. The root of her trouble is the Japanese Nationality Law, which has been criticized as being outdated.
[‘You’re Living In Japan Illegally’: Woman Shocked At Sudden Loss Of Japanese Nationality, by Takuya Suzuki, Mainichi, July 7, 2023]
But then we get the truth. She knew all about her situation and that she lost her Japanese citizenship by obtaining Canadian citizenship. She was given the opportunity to regain her Japanese citizenship, but it required renouncing her Canadian citizenship, which she refused to do.
The woman inquired with the Japanese Ministry of Justice as to whether she could use her Canadian passport, but was told, “You don’t have a valid status of residence and you’re residing here illegally as a foreigner, so you can’t leave the country.” The professor had not been granted a residence status in Japan due to incomplete application documents and other reasons.
When she explained the situation to Japanese immigration authorities, she was able to remain in Japan, but found out that if she went ahead and tried to leave the country, she would be forcibly deported and barred from entering Japan for five years under the immigration law. If she wanted to reacquire Japanese citizenship she could, but she didn’t want to go as far as renouncing her Canadian citizenship to do so.
So, as usual, the controversy is created by the Lying Press and a former Japanese citizen who is now pledged her allegiance to Globohomo. She has filed a lawsuit, but the Japanese government is maintaining the constitutionality of the statute and its appropriateness.
In the third story, some local bureaucrats and politicians tried to recognize foreign residents of the municipality of Kumamoto as “citizens.”
The city government here announced on July 25 that it plans to delete the phrase “including foreign nationals” from its definition of “citizen” after public opposition.
According to the Kumamoto Municipal Government, it included a passage recognizing foreign residents — whose number is expected to grow — as citizens in proposed amendments to its basic municipal ordinance unveiled in December 2022. The move was intended to facilitate the participation of a broad range of residents in local community building. Had it been enacted, the amendment would have been the first of its kind among Japan’s government-designated major cities.
However, when the city sought public input on the draft amendment from December 2022 to January 2023, some 90% of the 1,888 opinions submitted (457 from city residents, and 1,019 from outside its borders) were against categorizing foreigners as municipal citizens. A city official explained that many of these were based on misunderstandings, including that the ordinance would allow foreigners to vote in local elections and accept immigrants.
Following this response, city officials explained that the citizenship recognition passage would be dropped from the proposed amendments to avoid causing misconceptions and anxiety among Japanese residents. The city will submit a new draft amendment to the regular city assembly meeting in September.
[Japan City Drops Plan To Recognize Foreigners As Local Citizens After Opposition, by Sonoko Nakamura and Yuki Kurisu, Mainichi, July 26, 2023}
The politicos and bureaucrats in obeisance to Globohomo continued to obfuscate the intent, claiming that any opposition was either misinformed or prejudiced.
“We do not believe that not specifying ‘foreign nationals’ as citizens (in the ordinance) will exclude them from being local citizens,” one official overseeing the issue said.
The city’s decision is “very unfortunate, because it deferred to opposition stemming from a misunderstanding,” said Yasuko Iwashita, associate professor of multicultural coexistence at Hiroshima Bunkyo University. “Foreign residents will have a negative impression (of Kumamoto), seeing it as exclusionary. The city should have explained the point of the amendment in a responsible and detailed way.”
There are traitors in Japan, they are small in number, but actively trying to destroy Japan and its Japanese nature. However, the Japanese people are becoming aware that some in their political class hate the Japanese people.
There is firm resistance and one hopes that it continues. Sonno Joi! Revere The Emperor, Expel The Barbarian!