Gloria Steinem: Academy Awards Help End Division of Human Beings Into "Made-Up Categories of Race and Gender"
By Steve Sailer
In today’s New York Times:
Gloria Steinem: Women Have ‘Chick Flicks.’ What About Men?Yet, for some mysterious reason, the members of the made-up category of “actresses” haven’t been enthusiastic about competing for Oscars against the members of the made-up category of “actors.”By GLORIA STEINEM MARCH 2, 2017
I was on a flight from New York to Seattle when a long delay on the tarmac prompted the airline to offer us a free movie. As the flight attendant read the choices aloud, a young man across the aisle said, “I don’t watch chick flicks!”
… He would also be rewarded by such irresistible movies as “Hidden Figures,” about three African-American women whose brainpower fueled the American space program, or two such universal stories as the lost boys and found men in “Lion” and “Moonlight.”
These movies meet the “chick flick” entry-level test of being more about people than special effects, more about relationships than chases. And in the Academy Awards season that just closed, all three went a long way toward ending the division of human beings into the powerful but made-up categories of race and gender. …
Editors’ Note: March 2, 2017Because of a misunderstanding by the editors, it was discovered only after publication that this article reproduces in substantial part an essay by the same writer that appeared on the Women’s Media Center website in 2007 and was republished by other outlets. It is not The Times’s policy to print previously published work without attribution. In addition, the article referred incorrectly to the timing of a flight during which “chick flicks” were mentioned. It was not “recently,” the flight having occurred in 2007.