"Going Home Doesn’t Mean Displacement, etc"

By Joe Guzzardi


The question of whether or not illegal aliens might — horrors — actually be deported under some yet-to-be-agreeed-upon-legislation surfaced in Brian Bilray’s successful race last week for Congress in California 50th District.

When Bilbray addressed the San Diego Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly, he was asked if deportations might separate families and disturb neighborhoods.

Bilbray replied: "You're going to have displacement."

Since Bilbray was elected, you can conclude that he dodged a bullet. But in truth, Bilbray gave the wrong answer. When asked how deportation might break up families, Bilbray should have said: "Not necessarily. Families can remain intact by returning to Mexico together."

We are going to hear a lot more about family displacement as the Senate and House confer. I suggest we make our point early and often about togetherness being a family choice and not something imposed by federal immigration policy. Let’s not let "family unity" become "Jobs Americans won’t do."

Being sent home is not a death sentence. They will be returning to their native land — you know, the place where they have Starbucks, WalMart and Blockbuster.

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