
Google’s "Happy Holidays" Christmas Doodle Just One More Example Of Google’s War On Christmas

By James Fulford


Google’s Doodle today [permanent link] has Santa Claus in this nice image, and note saying "Watch Santa secure his secrets with a strong, penguin-proofed password."

When you click on the image, you don’t see a search for Santa Claus, or "Merry Christmas!" or anything like that, you see the familiar "Happy Holidays."


From a previous War on Christmas column, Christmas Eve 2012:

Google’s logo for today is a picture of Christmas toys, and the message “Happy Holidays from Google."

That same logo is used by Google all over the world, frequently with messages that mean “Merry Christmas” rather than Happy Holidays. The problem for Google is that those other countries don’t necessarily have a War On Christmas, so that there isn’t even a phrase for “Happy Holidays” in the sense of “Don’t mention Christmas!”

That’s why this Christmas, 2000, photo of a sign at a Queens Post Office, while the English at the top says "No matter how you say it 'Happy Holidays'" the French, Greek, German, Spanish, and about thirty other languages say, almost entirely the words "Merry Christmas".

War On Christmas

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