GOP Congresscritters Flocking To DC White Supremacist Soiree Tonight

By Patrick Cleburne


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Israel’s Sinai Border fence

Well actually it is a reception by the Republican Jewish Coalition — but take a look at their Mission Statement

We work to sensitize Republican leadership in government and the party to the concerns and issues of the Jewish community, while articulating and advocating Republican ideas and policies within the Jewish community

For Jewish read “White” — or “Euro” — and get crucified (so to speak).

This cheering news comes from Jewish Republicans gird for a fight By Kenneth Vogel Politico 1/5/15

The roster of grovellers is significant

Expected attendees include Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, John McCain of Arizona and Rob Portman of Ohio, as well as former Vice President Dick Cheney … Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Mike Rounds of South Dakota… are expected to attend Tuesday’s reception at Capital Grille.

No mention of poor Steve Scalise attending!

As I noted in Did Jewish GOP Donors Buy Romney’s Immigration Wimp-Out? there is every reason to believe that money latterly slathered on the Romney campaign had everything to do with the fatal change in emphasis in 2012: Why Did Romney Wimp Out on Chick-fill-A? Follow The Money

The Politico article seems to take it for granted that broad cultural objectives, rather than simple Zionism, is what motivates the RJC:

American Jews’ stances on litmus test issues like economic inequality, abortion rights, gay marriage and immigration tend to align more closely with those of the Democratic Party, which has had something of a stranglehold on the Jewish vote for decades.

It quotes

Benjamin Ginsberg, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University

“There is this lingering concern among Jews and among African-Americans that southern Republicanism is the product of racism,”

With my suspicion Why Has GOP Leadership Spurned Base, Election And Constitution? Severe ADD (Adelson Dollar Disorder)! validated by Boehner’s reelection today Patriots need to consider whom their elected representatives are actually representing.

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