GOP’s Latest Amnesty Fig Leaf: "Probationary" Work Permits

By Brenda Walker


The traitorous sector of the Republican Party has been busy trying to redefine its way to providing amnesty for millions of invasive foreigners against the wishes of the American people.

For a while, the lying liars said they didn’t plan to create a special “path to citizenship,” just legalization with no permission to vote American. But legalization allows the foreigners immediate access to all US jobs, and stealing jobs was the reason they broke immigration laws to get here in the first place. Therefore:

Legalization (with Work Permits) IS Amnesty.

Now that the voters have been wising up to the legalization/work permit scam, the Repubs have come up with a slightly revised tapdance: the illegal aliens will get “probationary work permits” which won’t become permanent until certain metrics of enforcement have been met, such as border security.

But the effect will be the same: millions of illegal aliens will be permitted to occupy American jobs without fear of deportation (which is their major concern). Citizens will be displaced by cheap foreign workers even more than today.

Plus, “probationary” sounds a lot like “temporary” as in Temporary Protected Status (TPS), another fig leaf amnesty where illegals are never repatriated because of some disruption in the home country, like Hurricane Mitch in Honduras (1998). TPS mini-amnesties are routinely renewed allowing illegal aliens to remain, as shown by the renewal for Honduras last April, based on Hurricane Mitch 16 years ago.

Under the new scam, the illegals will get “temporary probationary” work permits that will never be rescinded. The Democrat Party and Raza hucksters will squawk about second-class whatnot, but the illegals themselves will be happy campers. And America will be further transformed into the big-government diverse country of socialists’ dreams.

Ryan: Legal status won’t be ‘automatic’, Politico, January 29, 2014

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) confirmed on Wednesday that the House GOP’s principles on immigration reform would endorse giving legal status to illegal immigrants.

Ryan reiterated there would be no “special” pathway to citizenship for those immigrants, but said they would be able to apply for a green card after a long set of requirement were met. He did not, however, provide a timeline.

The former vice presidential candidate said the principles would also outline a probationary work status those illegal immigrants would be initially defined under until the border is secure and a host of other requirements are satisfied.

“That is the kind of broad brush here — that is the kind of process we envision that is not a special pathway to citizenship, and it is not automatically, in anyway, giving an undocumented immigrant citizenship,” he said on MSNBC.

Ryan said the principles would also make sure the GOP writes in triggers for border and interior enforcement that cannot be side-stepped by President Obama.

“That is a big concern of ours these days,” he said. “As you can tell we have reason to be concerned. So we want to make sure that we write a law that he can’t avoid.”

Ryan said the principles would outline a bill that would allow immigrants living in the country illegally to “come out of the shadows” to receive a probationary work permit.

To get out of the probationary status and receive a regular work permit, triggers for border security and interior enforcement would have to be met and independently verified.

Those immigrants would also have to pay a fine, learn English and civics, and prove that they are not on welfare.

At that point, they would be able to apply for a green card for permanent residency through regular procedures.

“And if you want to get in line to get a green card like every other immigrant, you can do that,” he said. “You just have to get at the back of the line. So that we preference the legal immigrant that did things right in the first place.”

When asked how long it would take to eventually gain citizenship or if the plan would ever allow it, Paul said it is too early in the process to answer the question.

“This isn’t even in legislative form yet, so I don’t know the answer to your question,” he said. “The Speaker is working on drafting principles that resemble what I just said, and we are going to have a big debate about these principles and about how to proceed so it is a little premature to get into those details.”

Immigration reform is expected to be a leading topic during the House GOP retreat in Maryland this week.

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