Governor Ron DeSantis Strikes At The Slave Power With Mandatory E-Verify — REASON Magazine Is NOT Happy!
By Federale
America’s Viktor Orban, Governor Ron DeSantis, is moving from victory to victory on social and cultural issues, besides having a 2.5% unemployment rate. After beating the tranny lobby and Disney, Governor DeSantis has moved against illegal aliens, doing his best to end the job magnet and participating in the legal actions against various Biden Regime Administrative Amnesties.
The Scourge Of Illegal Aliens
This time Governor DeSantis has backed up his threats against the Slave Power to enforce the use of E-Verify by employers in Florida. Some claim DeSantis is just talk, but the truth is he acts and the Slave Power is being hurt. Many of the Slave Power thought they were above the law and ignored legal processes demanding compliance with the law. The Slave Power thought they could outwait Governor DeSantis, but that was not happening.
The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity said that Prestige Cruise Services, LLC, was the only of six organizations that received a notice in December of their requirement to prove compliance with E-Verify.
Dec. 16, a letter requiring proof of compliance was sent to six organizations: M.D.L. property Maintenance, American National Red Cross, Intelycare, Inc., Prestige Cruise Services, LLC., Upperline Health, Inc., ScribeAmerica, LLC., and Prestige Cruise Services, LLC.
The Department said Prestige Cruises is now “fully in compliance with Florida law,” but sternly warned the other five.
“For any organization that does not respond by its deadline, the next step is for DEO to notify the agencies that hold their licenses of their noncompliance. Per the law, agencies would then suspend all applicable licenses held by the employer until the private employer provides the department with the required affidavit,” they continued.
[Florida Warns Companies Who Disobey E-Verify of License Suspension, by Eric Daugherty, Florida’s Voice News, January 13, 2023]
Some got religion and complied, others thought they could intimidate Governor DeSantis. But that was the wrong move.
Immediately Reason magazine moved in to defend the Slave Power, claiming that Floridians were hurt by the punishment meted out to recalcitrant Slavers. Apparently there are not enough jobs in Florida for people. Of course Reason magazine does not differentiate between legal residents of Florida and those prohibited from being employed in Florida or anywhere else in the United States.
Under orders from Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is cracking down on some Floridians’ economic opportunities.
Leigh McGowan, the department’s press secretary, confirmed to Reason on Monday that the state was revoking licenses from two Florida-based businesses that had failed to comply with a law mandating the use of the federal E-Verify system to check the immigration status of all workers hired after January 1, 2021.
The Department of Economic Opportunity had sent warning letters in December to a series of companies — including two that are not headquartered in Florida but have employees there — threatening to revoke their licenses if they failed to comply with the mandate. The companies were given 30 days to file an affidavit confirming that they did not employ undocumented immigrants and promising to comply with the E-Verify mandate when hiring future workers.
That 30-day deadline passed two weeks ago, and McGowan says the state has now taken action.
The department “has notified state and municipal agencies that may license these companies of their noncompliance,” McGowan writes in an email. “In accordance with the law, these agencies must now suspend all applicable licenses held by the employer.”
MDL Property Maintenance is a property management company based in Boynton Beach, Florida, while IntelyCare runs an online portal that connects registered nurses with medical facilities in the Tampa area. Both will have licenses suspended by the Florida Department of State, Department of Revenue, and Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as well as any licenses issued by counties and municipalities where they do business. IntelyCare will also have a license suspended by the state’s Agency for Health Care Administration.
[DeSantis Revokes Licenses From Businesses That Fail To Use Flawed E-Verify System, by Eric Boehm, Reason, January 31, 2023]
Reason claims that E-Verify is both error-ridden and ineffectual, therefore hobbling Americans and legally authorized aliens from obtaining a position with employers who use it. Of course, that makes no sense. No employer would use E-Verify if that were true. In any event, it is not true. E-Verify is fast and effective in authorizing employment. What Reason objects to is the fact that E-Verify interferes with the employment of illegal aliens. Because they support mass unlimited immigration, Reason just plain lies about E-Verify.
Reason does bring up one valid criticism of E-Verify, that it verifies documents, not people.
And, as a practical matter, it doesn’t even work properly due to some built-in weaknesses. The biggest of those, as the Cato Institute’s Alex Nowrasteh pointed out in a 2019 op-ed, is that the system checks documents, not workers. And documents can be forged, stolen, or otherwise faked.
However, there is a supplementary system to E-Verify that verifies photographic identity for Federal documents, but it also has a program to verify photographic identity with State issued driver’s licenses and Identification Cards. So, again, Reason is either deliberately ignorant or just lying.
Yes, E-Verify could be better; it could import directly all State driver’s license and ID card records into the system. This would also help with the $5.4 billion fraud in Hurricane Ian relief and other disaster fraud. A biometric Social Security Card could also help. But that is a debate for another time. Perhaps Kevin McCarthy could do something like attach mandatory E-Verify to the debt-limit bill?