From immigration reporter Neil Munro in the Daily Caller
Amnesty Protesters Crash Capitol Hill SwitchboardNeil Munro
White House Correspondent
12/11/2014 The Capitol Hill switchboard has been overwhelmed by calls to Congress.
The 202 224-3121 number is jammed, likely by people protesting House Speaker John Boehner’s 2015 government funding bill, which allows funding for President Barack Obama’s unpopular decision to stop enforcing immigration law, and to award work-permits to at least 5 million illegal immigrants.
Boehner’s effort to fund the $1.1 trillion bill and amnesty is being backed by President Barack Obama, whose deputies are pushing Democrats to support Boehner’s bill.
The Daily Caller called the switchboard number at 3:28, and it was not answered for seven minutes. It is usually answered after a few seconds.
When quizzed by TheDC, the switchboard operator merely said “there is high call volume.” She declined to describe the level of calls. “My job is to answer and transfer,” she said.
TheDC called again at 3:50 and a second operator picked up the phone after nine minutes. When asked why there was a delay, the operator responded “apparently that is self-explanatory… there is more people in line than normal.”
TheDC asked her how many people were on the lines, and she responded “I’m not aware.” She declined to answer additional questions and disconnected TheDC.
In 2006 and 2007,huge waves of phone calls jammed the switchboard and pressure legislators to stop passage of immigration legislation pushed by both Democratic and Republican leaders.
The switchboard, however, isn’t needed any more by voters, who can use the internet to find the office numbers of their representatives and the offices of GOP leaders.
Alexander Hart wrote in 2010
Everyone agrees that angry Americans defeated amnesty in 2006 and 2007 by shutting down the Senate switchboard with their calls. Groups like Numbers USA deserve enormous credit for this — but it would not have been possible had it not been complemented by talk radio show hosts, cable news commentators, webzines and bloggers. They made very “incendiary,””blunt,” and “colorful” arguments. And it worked — it inspired Americans to take action.
See Why The Axis Of Amnesty Was Defeated — A Post-Mortem, By Steve Sailer on July 29, 2007,