By A.W. Morgan
Fox News’ Griff Jenkins reported some frightening news from the border for the first quarter of fiscal 2023. A source inside U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Jenkins that Traitor Joe Biden has released more than 425,000 illegal aliens of 617,250 encountered or apprehended. That means my CBP source was right about the magnitude of the releases. Biden is releasing well more than 40 percent, a figure VDARE has reported more than once.
“CBP sources tell FOX News” that “in the past 90 days, FYTD23 — 617,250 total migrant encounters w 186,573 expelled under T42 — leaving the majority 430,677 released,” Jenkins tweeted:
Highest sector:
El Paso — 159,186 encounters
FYTD23 total “Gotaways” — 240,340 — or 2,670/day
Bad as the gotaways released per day are, Biden’s releases per day are worse: at least 4,681 illegals every day for the 92 days beginning October 1 and ending December 31.
That means, again, he is releasing significantly more than even his harshest critics suspect, including VDARE, as my CBP source told me last month.
“The 40% number being released into the US is low,” he wrote in an email:
Known and unknown got aways are not counted and outside of Title 42 expulsions to Mexico, which currently only apply to a small subset of the current crossers, there is simply not enough physical or budgetary capability to remove those kinds of numbers.
If the border wide numbers rise significantly higher than they are now, there is 0 physical capacity to even begin to process them all, even in the most perfunctory sense of programs like Parole + that simply document got aways.
The source did not estimate the percentage. But now, from Jenkins, we have one: 69.8 percent.
At the rate illegals are entering the country, agents will encounter 2.5 million by September 30, fiscal year’s end. If Biden releases 69.8 percent, Americans will be paying for the welfare, education, health care, and criminal justice costs of 1.74 million largely penniless and likely illiterate foreigners.
That figure exceeds the population of the nation’s fifth most populous city, Phoenix, Arizona.
As a practical matter, Biden has erased the southwest border of the United States. He is aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States. He must be impeached. So must Vice President Kamala Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the unindicted Cuban-Jewish visa fixer.