
Great Replacement Update / Health Edition: Philly Bans “Medical Deportations,“ Forces Hospitals To Provide Unending Care To Illegals

By A.W. Morgan


The Treason Lobby communists who run Philadelphia are doing their part for The Great Replacement. In mid-December, the city banned hospitals from sending seriously ill illegal aliens back home — where they belong — for long-term care. Of course, the article in the city’s Inquirer doesn’t let anyone know who will pay the bills.

A new Philadelphia law requires hospitals to keep illegal aliens needing long-term medical care in the city of Brotherly Love.

— Federation for American Immigration Reform (@FAIRImmigration) December 28, 2023

“Philadelphia City Council enacted what immigration advocates say is a landmark law to stop so-called medical deportations, in which hospitals spirit seriously ill, undocumented patients out of the country to a deeply uncertain future,” Jeff Gammage’s pro-illegal alien tale began:

Critics call it international patient dumping, an attempt by health systems to avoid the cost of handling people who require long-term care but have no insurance.

Philly City Council votes bars hospitals from carrying out ‘medical deportations’ of undocumented immigrants, by Jeff Gammage, Philadelphia Inquirer, December 15, 2023

Actually, the patients are being dumped on American hospitals and taxpayers. Noting that patients and their families sometimes don’t consent to be sent home, Gammage continued:

When an uninsured patient arrives at an emergency room, there is no guarantee that the hospital will provide indefinite care. Meanwhile, long-term care facilities often will not accept uninsured patients.

Hospitals may charter private flights to transport people to their home countries, journeys that often end in the aggravation of illness or in death, immigration advocates said.

Yeah, well, when an uninsured patient arrives at an emergency room, the hospital is guaranteed that it will never be paid.

Here is what the new law requires:

[P]atients must give their informed consent to be repatriated after the circumstances have been explained to them orally and in writing — and in a language they understand, if they are not proficient in English.

A hospital must stop efforts toward repatriation if a patient does not consent. Patients who are incompetent cannot consent. The law requires hospitals to explore a patient’s eligibility for emergency health insurance and to produce a written report explaining why removal to another country is appropriate.

Removing them is appropriate because they are here illegally and have no right to free health care here. Not that the Treason Lobby cares about that insignificant fact.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform explained the “not-so-good side effects” of the bill:

Who picks up the tab?

Under U.S. law, illegal aliens are not eligible to enroll in federally funded coverage including Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare, or to purchase coverage through the ACA Marketplaces. As such, an estimated half of illegally present migrants have no health insurance.

Twelve states and the District of Columbia offer various forms of coverage to migrants. This month the Biden administration approved an application by Washington State to expand health insurance access to all residents regardless of immigration status by allowing it to forgo requirements set by the Affordable Care Act. Notably, however, Pennsylvania hasn’t taken any of these steps.

Philadelphia Blocks ‘Medical Deportations’ With a Priceless Prescription,, December 28, 2023

Taxpayers fork over $41.7 billion to pay medical bills for Traitor Joe Biden’s Great Replacers.

So the Biden Regime and its urban Treason Lobby subsidiaries aren’t just trying to replace us. They’re trying to break us and the hospitals financially and destroy what’s left of good health care by overloading them with penniless vagabonds.

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