
Great Replacement Update / Ireland: 84 Percent Of Illegals Have Disappeared

By Pádraic O’Bannon


If Traitor Joe Biden thinks his Great Replacement border policy is effective, Ireland’s homosexual Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has a message: Hold by my beer… or pink squirrel, as the case may be. Bad as Biden’s policy of mass releases is, as percentages go Varadkar might have him topped. More than 80 percent of the illegals the government has ordered deported have disappeared.

The data show that “4,631 deportation orders were issued to failed asylum seekers between 2018 and 2022,” Remix’s Thomas Brooke recently reported. Yet the immigration authorities didn’t enforce them:

Of those, the Office of the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) enforced just 314 orders, or 7 percent, while the Department of Justice provided assistance in 430 other cases (9 percent) for people who voluntarily left Irish territory.

The remaining 84 percent, some 3,887 people, currently have unknown status in the country.

Delving into the figures from last year makes for dim reading, with the Irish state successfully deporting just 26 individuals who had been issued with a deportation order, amounting to 5 percent.

[84% of failed asylum seekers in Ireland not deported, status is unknown, March 22, 2023]

Even worse, 40 percent of the “asylum seekers,” leftist code for invading illegals, destroy their passports when they land.

Some 900 illegals have entered the country weekly since January 1, most of them Ukrainians, when Minister of State for Integration Joe O’Brien said the Irish can expect another 80,000 invaders in 2023. Those are on top of last year’s 83,814, 70,000 of whom were Ukrainians.

With a population of about 5 million, that’s 3.2 percent population growth in 24 months.

The Irish are protesting with some success. Irish high-school kids recently turned back a load of invaders sent to colonize County Westmeath.

One might observe that at least most of the “migrants” are Ukrainians, not Arabs or Africans. Then again, the Irish shouldn’t have to tolerate an invasion of any foreigners.

Varadkar says “migration” policy must be “fair, firm and hard.”

We need to be fair with refugees because refugees are welcome in Ireland and people that need our protection should get it. We also need to be firm with people who come to Ireland with a false story or false pretense.

[Leo Varadkar: Ireland has to take fair, firm and hard approach to migration, by Ciara Phelan, Irish Examiner, February 9, 2023]

Codswallop. The only people he must be fair to are his own: the Irish. Then again, maybe Varadkar doesn’t think the Irish are his people. His father was an Indian immigrant from Mumbai, after all, meaning the Indian CEO Virus has infected Eire.

Perhaps Ireland won’t be truly “fair” until its major cities look like Mumbai… or Calcutta.

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