
Great Replacement Update / Maine: Governor Signs Order To Continue Browning Mostly White State

By A.W. Morgan


Maine’s communist governor Janet Mills has signed a Great Replacement executive order to create a new state refugee office. Its 6-year plan: by 2029, import 75,000 “new workers,” being Treason Lobby code for illiterate illegal-alien Africans and Hispanics.

The Great Replacers are also known as “new Americans”:

The governor announced the goal as part of the press strategy for rolling out an executive order that will eventually create the “Office of New Americans,” a state office that will assist with migrant resettlement and integration throughout the state.

Mills told the liberal Portland Press Herald newspaper that the goal of attracting 75,000 migrant workers to Maine is part of her plan to supply businesses in Maine with “New Mainers” to fill job vacancies.

“New Mainers” is a euphemism that progressives and left-wing nonprofits in Maine have adopted to refer to migrants, refugees, asylum applicants, and illegal aliens who have settled in Maine. Some newspapers in the state have adopted the term as well.

It’s unclear whether Gov. Mills intends for those 75,000 new workers to come exclusively from foreign-born migration. Her office hasn’t clarified what it meant and her communications aides did not respond to inquiries Thursday.

[Maine Governor Wants to Resettle 75,000 Foreign-Born Migrants in Maine by 2029, by Steve Robinson, August 3, 2023]

Worse still, as Robinson observed, 75,000 exceeds the population of Portland, the state’s largest city, where shelters are overwhelmed with jobless “refugees”:

To put that 75,000 number further into context: Piscataquis County had 17,165 residents in 2021, Aroostook County had 66,859, and the population of Bangor is just over 30,000.

Robinson also included the problem of housing these penniless illiterates, but adroitly avoided the African elephant in the room. Mills is importing “new workers,” most of whom will collect welfare, to replace the state’s whites.

That operation began when Treason Lobbyists began importing Somalis, who are now policing and governing Americans and brought Mainers such multicultural wonders as female circumcision.

Somalis have ruined Lewiston.

Maine is 94 percent white. That, again, is why Mills wants to import “new Americans.” Except they won’t be Americans. Well, Mills isn’t an American, either.

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