Green Cards For Strippers
By Federale
Not content with green cards for prostitutes and fake victims of wife beating, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is on a campaign to expand their green cards for social undesireables. Since there are not enough prostitutes and fake victims, ICE wants to extend the "victim" amnesty to strippers.
Yahoo/AP June 1, 2012 by Russell Contreras
Feds, Strippers To Talk Sex Trafficking In NM
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Strippers and owners of topless clubs are scheduled to meet next week in New Mexico with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials who hope to bring more awareness to sex trafficking, a growing problem some call "virtual slavery."
The special conference slated for Tuesday at the Elegante Hotel in Albuquerque is aimed at educating around 125 people in the adult entertainment industry about the dangers of sex trafficking and how to report it if they see it.
With the help of a female Homeland Security Investigations agent working in southern New Mexico, the arm of ICE is seeking to reach out to people who may be working alongside victims of sex trafficking without even knowing it. [Did ICE use unlawful sex discrimination to assign a female agent to this case? Ed.]
ACE National, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group that represents strip clubs and other adult entertainment establishments, is hosting the event as part of organization’s nationwide push to help dancers and club owners identify sex trafficking and rescue victims.
ACE National’s executive director, Angelina Spencer, said the group has trained 2,000 people nationwide, and club owners have an important interest in keeping any ties to sex trafficking out of their industry.
According to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, sex trafficking involves prostitution and other adult services that are induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under 18 years old. Often victims are drawn into sex trafficking by kidnappings, promises of a better job in another country, or being sold into the trade by family members …
Kevin Abar, assistant special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations in New Mexico, said the federal agency is in a big push to educate the public about sex trafficking.
"A lot people don’t know that if you agree to a certain job involving sex and someone has to go across state lines for that job, that’s sex trafficking," Abar said. "We're going to start being aggressive about going after sex traffickers, and people in this industry need to know what the laws are and how to spot trafficking."
And by education, ICE means that it wants illegal alien strippers to come forward and make a false allegations of coercion or force and then be rewarded with a green card. That is the point of this program. It is not education, it is part of the Regime’s Administrative Amnesty. This will obviously attract more illegals to the adult entertainment industry, and, like Bill Clinton’s recent photograph with porn stars, it is the norming of sex industry with an immigration twist. What ICE should be doing is raiding brothels and strip clubs, arresting the illegal aliens who work there, not educating them about their alleged victim status.