Greta van Susteren Interviews Arizona’s Kavanagh on Birthright Citizenship

By Allan Wall


In the state of Arizona, a bill to challenge automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens has been filed. Fox News has an interview in which Greta van Susteren interviews John Kavanagh, the Arizona representative who filed the bill. In the short time allotted, Representative Kavanagh makes a good defense of his bill. You can watch the segment here, under the sensationalistic and misleading title Arizona Drops the Anchor on 'Anchor Babies'.

To her credit, Greta allows him to speak, however, she does trot out the old and tired don’t-blame-the-babies argument. I recommend she read my article here showing how Mexico claims jurisdiction over babies born to Mexicans in the United States. Therefore, denying citizenship to unqualified babies is not punishing the babies, unless you believe that every baby in the world should be a U.S. citizen.

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