Griego Erwin Update — What’s Bad For Mainstream Media Is Good For (And Our Readers)

By Joe Guzzardi


Diana Griego Erwin, recently fired by the Sacramento Beefor fabricating her sources, is more creative than anyone could have imagined.

Today, the Bee published the results of its investigation into Griego Erwin’s career as a fiction writer. Of 171 columns Griego Erwin wrote for the Bee since January 1st, 2004, 30 names “could not be verified.”

(“Bee Publishes Results of Griego Erwin Probe,” Dorthy Korber and John Hill, the Sacramento Bee, June 26, 2005)

And going back to the beginning of her 12-year career at the Bee, an additional 13 names “could not be found in voter registration rolls, property records, telephone books, identity databases or through scores of phone calls.”

I confess to a perverse pleasure in the Bee’s embarrassment over the Griego Erwin incident.

For several years, I did an on-going study for NumbersUSA to analyze media professionalism.

What I found in my dealings with the Bee was that, to a large extent, the staff consisted of self-important, arrogant and lazy journalists.

But what’s bad for the Bee and the rest of the MSM that have distorted the news like Newsweek, USA Today and the Detroit Free Press is good for and other Internet webzines that take pride in reporting the real story.

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